Introducing Couragous media as Youtuber hammers Venezuelan migrant propagandist and podcaster David Pakman

 Archie Bannister

    The outstanding little viewed podcaster who goes under the network of Courageous Media and named Chris Hyland is not afraid to tussle and get dirty with the political left. This host took on the Venezuelan communist propagandist known as David Pakman--whom we refer to as David Pakant-- as reported here for years David Pakant is a paid Democrat Party operative who is a propagandist and dishonest troll of a YouTube host. Courageous media realizes and played a propaganda video that David Packfucker recently put out following the disastrous Joe Biden debate and despite the obvious dementia and quick mental

regression within the past 6 months of Joe Biden this idiot foreign-born liar and South American Communist continues to support Joe Biden. 

Without evidence King David Pakman acts like the charges of sex with pornstars and sexual assault at a Macy's must have truth because it helps the Democrats and thus the fascist like David Peckerwood make it clear in their propaganda that they are committed to spreading false notions and innuendos as fact. Courageous media says that David Packman doesn't have any evidence to

support his notion that Donald Trump lied throughout the debate and most of the lies that David Pakman claims are intact Donald Trump denial of the smears claimed by far left lunatic liberals leftists such as himself Chis Hyland utterly destroyed this idiot David Pakman who is a habitual liar and the lying ability of David Pakman should be mor eon display and criticism as this

Venezuelan/Argentina propagandist is a text book classic of the global order and their willing internationalists that will lie and deceive to a internet audience as this awful and silly scum David Pakman does as a self-described noble order man of the global

political drive. David Pakman quite literally thinks of himself as some royalty and the willingness of this idiot to stretch the truth on politics has allowed his ego top grow and essentially become a modern day Pinocchio with a swollen face , a Pinocchio nose, and a grease trap toupee type thing growing or stitched on his head. 

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