Something is wrong with Joy Reid as MSNBC black supremacist is eviscerated online and new calls for MSNBC to fire her ass

     Jay Yang

     Many right wing conservatives have been blasting and roasting the ugly disgusting MSNBC Radical Media idiot known as Joy Reid. Ms Reid is this joyless butt ugly racist MSNBC analyst who has one the most vile and despicable members of the media. Why Joy Reid is continuing to enjoy employment through NBC despite the numerous calls for the network to fire her is utterly amazing. We have called for four or five blog posts in the past for her firing and naturally MSNBC wants to have such a wicked nasty black

supremacist as their spokesman and a major media position. Joyless Reid went on a nasty rant talking about the possibility of Joe Biden ending his campaign and she said she doesn't care who it is that she does not want this Hitler Trump to get in the White House again. Joy Reid is a horrible wreck of a sick soul calling Donald Trump Hitler and this is the latest example of this deranged nasty nappy headed whore woman who has absolutely no credibility, talent, or reasoning to be on television. 

     This horrible bitch is push

ed upon and people have been calling her out for years and now at latest round of anti-Joy Reid videos are going around conservative YouTube shows, talk radio, and co-ops in newspapers of this idiots Joy Reid's Tik Tok video has come out showing the evil and twisted delusion of this mad woman. Joy Reid called Donald Trump Hitler 8 or 9 times but in all reality Herman Joe Biden and the Democrat fascist party is more Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini than Donald Trump. Joy Reed is a fascist and I reckon she would be more supportive of a Hitler and Mussolini type politician as long as they were a

Democrat and were not a Republican. This partisan maniac Joy Reid has been roasted online from numerous sources and again I am tired of seeing this ugly woman's face and the amount of attention and hate that comes back towards her. MSNBC needs to do what is right and get rid of this crazy bitch as in no reasonable explanation can be given to support this maniacs position in the media and her ability to manipulate and smear individuals she does not like. Make no mistake, Joy Reid is a fucking racist and the reason she does not like Donald Trump is his skin color does not match Barack Hussein Obama and this lunatic woman is a disgrace to this country and our media. Joy Reid has to be the worst media analyst of all time and the funny thing is she adds absolutely nothing to the network, she is butt fucking ugly, and her intelligence level is very low. Apparently MSNBC wants some sort of attention and if this means having the worst and sickest individuals present the news then this must be a company policy. Fire fucking Joy Reed

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