The Sears triplets absolutely hammered Joe Biden as JP Sears interviews in one-on-one in humiliates the failed frail president

     Larry Frost

.   The Sears triplets absolutely hammered failed presidential Biden as JP Sears along with his brothers PJ and Joe jo Sears absolutely hammered Joe Biden in a rare appearance for the Sears triplets. They discussed the falling failure of Joe Biden and his inability to comprehend a original thoughts in his 85-year-old brain. The Sears triplets wondered what's going to happen with the Democratic party with having no other options aside from a weak and frail  deranged  arrogant 85-year-old man and they wondered how the political party got to the point where they beholding to this bozo from Delaware. JP Sears was nervous as

three talked and he was about to interview failed President Joe Biden in his first interview following his failed debate. The Sears triplets said that they hope within the week that Joe Biden would drop out and unfortunately this does not seem like it's going to come about anytime soon. With this in mind JP Sears interviewed stupid Joe Biden and utterly humiliated him further showing the cognitive decline of this failed and silly scum president, whom by all accounts wasn't even a bright man when he was a young in his thirties. Joe Biden is the classic con man he is the Henry Clay of his day and this silly fool Joe Biden has done

nothing but spread mass of inequality in this country and through empowered wealthy foreigners and kleptocrats from other countries too invest and gain control of key cities in the economic engines that they are. 


JP Sears showed the inability of Joe Biden to answer questions as throughout this interview Biden steered and lost his train of thought and quite literally Biden acted neurotic and eccentric talking weird voices and yet another embarrassing interview and talk with failed presidential biden. JP Sears quite literally humiliated Joe Biden in his 8 Minute interview that can be found on YouTube and the other serious Brothers PJ and JoJo Sears were very impressed with her brother and his ability to ask good gotcha

questions to Joe Biden they make him look like a fucking fool which he is. One has to wonder after this embarrassing interview with JP Sears how many more interviews failed 84 year old stupid President Joe Biden is going to do and whether he's going to disappear in his basement for the next 4 months hoping a repeat of 2020 will help him is not known at this time. In our opinion Donald Trump should just lay low and allow Joe Biden and the Democrats self-implosion of themselves and have old Joe just keep talking and being confused and dumb as he always has been whether it be at the age of 35 to now at his age of 87

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