White Dolemite and his sidekick Henry humiliates a black transvestite

Trevor Travis

      One of the most interesting YouTubers is a individual who goes under the name of white dolmite. Mr Folmite is indeed a mulatto who likes going up to African Americans and calling them boy and he often criticizes the dress of the modern urban African-American as Mr Dolemite  trolls and pranks many either on the street or in big box stores. White Dolemit might and his sidekick Henry look like cotton picker straight out of the 1860s and he has spun it around where he is a member of the mulatto upper class going after the goofy

daws of the urban swaggin klout chasing African-Americans. Why Dolemites was recently in a big American city with his 18th century wear mocking and getting up to people's faces and often making fun of their dress. Low and behold White Dolemit and Henry ran into a modern transsexual transgendered which unfortunately has been a sick sexual confusion movement that has particularly hit the African-American population as by some estimations one in four African-American males are

transgendered. One can only go into a large American city and see this where transaction that Urban Democrats and globalists have proceeded to initiate upon America's black and brown population in large cities. The pretending of being a woman by the African-American population disgusts white Dolemit and he and Henry found a transvestite walking whom they can't called and ridicule the transvest sexual had enough and swore and use the n-word and it's so interesting how many prank

victims African Americans are so quick to use the N word to counter White Dolemit boy comments. Dolemiy is one of the most interesting and best YouTubers who ain't afraid of these thugs and he will call them boy as he sees fit perhaps as his big size is what is able to get him safely through these pranks. White Dolemi is a equal opportunity pranker and indeed he often caused a goofy cracker white guy once in awhile just to mix it up a bit interesting though .

Dolemit never messes with brown or yellow people are ever called boy or the butt of his pranks it was good to see white Dolemit in any large predominantly African-American City showing them an alternative dress form and confront and  the fake women walking on the street that predominate in so many large African-American cities and neighborhoods these days.

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