The Time Baljeet embarrassed a Indian woman trying to resell his Persian sheik shoots

     Chet Oliver

      The great Youtuber pranker  Baljeet otherwise known as Christian Caniff continues to make pranks and use his Indian character best to his best ability on a certain day of night in 2021 Baljeet absolutely hammered a Indian woman trying to resell shoes that he claimed he purchased from her the week before listening woman went off on Baljeet tried to get a discount on new shoes and complained that his dress shoes... Persian dress shoes broke very easily as he was riding goats back in India. The woman asked Baljeet if he was in within his senses, and this has been a new catch call for this popular YouTuber as he dumps on the

character and costume about cheat. On this day on July 18, 2021 Baljeet absolutely humiliated this Indian clothing store clerk as he tried to get his weird Iron sheik type shoes refunded and the new replacement exchange and she utterly refused. When he purchased the new $75 leather clown shoes he tried to leave the old shoes with her and suggested that she resell them and fixed

stitch and fix it up. The crazy Indian owner or clerk refuse and they went back and forth as this woman again accuse Baljeet of being insane and not within his mental senses because he was determined to give the shoes as a gift to this woman as he broke them while he was riding goats and humping sheep in India. 

      This woman had a reminder that these were dress shoes and not for physical and animal labor this is perhaps the most classic Baljeet character and this is what put Baljeet on the YouTube map and whether Baljeet was in his senses as he tried to take back

obviously worn and broken shoes and get a full refund made this video one of the classic YouTube pranks and one that should always be remembered from this fateful video from 3 years ago the Baljeets faithful followers and fans watch often from time to time this ugly middle-aged Indian woman never

realized at the moment that that she was being videotaped until the end and only later did she realize that her video would be as famous as his where she forced Baljeet and YouTube to cover up her face after a year or two with talks from her lawyer for this video had to be re-edited to hide her fuck face.

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