Sick slick propagandist Professor Dr Richard Wolff defends Joe Biden and calls Trump's tariffs a tax and attacks on the American consumer

    Ed West

      Failed professor at the new school of fascism the disgusting Dr Richard Wolf was seen in an interview this past week. The Communist Professor defended failed President Joe Biden as Richard Wolff says a concentrated blitz attack on Joe Biden is being taken by the forces who want to bring fascism to America, However, the real fascism is the propaganda and liars of this crazed academic Dr Richard Wolff who's also a huge guest often appears on many internet shows stealing his vicious and virotic hatred for this country and its history. Dr Richard Wolff hates America and this is a man who has called for the abolishment of the July 4th holiday as the disgusting New School of Fashion and Hair

Design Professor appeared with Lisa Petronov on her X Twitter program. Dr Richard Wolf once again pushed and promoted the lie that Donald Trump's tariffs is basically a tax on the consumer make no mistake that Dr Richard Wolff is one of these Chinese funded CCP Communists and this

man in each and every interview he does PR praise the Chinese government and Nation as much as he can while fashion the United States as a true and committed socialist prick.

     Dr Richard Wolf is a paid heck for the CCP and this explains why in each and every interview the silly bastard attacks terrorists and work so hard to prevent them on work for China the fact is tariffs have essentially shut and hurt the economic bottom line for China and prevented many more billionaires and millionaires from being created in this country who would essentially flow money into empowering the

one party State's Chinese communists China's State monopolists have used governments in other countries to fund himself at the expense of the host countries that they deal with business and then they fund propaganda such as this scumbag Richard wolf who lied profusely with this interview release of pressure in office past month this past week Dr Richard Wolff said Biden hammered it and had a very

successful debate and again this is another hack and lying propaganda as Dr Richard Wolff while bashing Donald Trump's lies ignored the more numerous life that Joe Biden spewed during the debate in the few times he was able to formulate words. Dr Richard Wolff is a dick wad he is always been a big one always will be a dickwad who Communist state government being run here in the United States

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