Andy and Chris Warski wonder why Barack Husseign Obama doesn't get Joe Biden a leash

     Andy Cruz

       Failed President Joe Biden was begging for money and a Hollywood fundraisers filled with some of the most despicable and disgusting individuals from Hollywood this big event naturally drew a lot of money and indeed the canyon Indonesian former president and globalist Barack Hussein Obama came in to this event which was hosted by the scumbag late night television unfunny comedian and propagandist known as Jimmy Kimmel together the three of them propaganda ice on stage and did many skits with Joe Biden's staring most of the time for getting his lines and looking dumber than a vulture with a mohawk. The disgusting failed President Joe Biden made a human ass of himself as he froze several times and

when they three of the idiots and Stooges were supposed to leave. He forgot his Q and stayed on stage with this Barack Hussein Obama had to leave him by hand out of the event. Andy and Chris Warski are important podcasters who run a small and insignificant program that many people have labeled right wing and white nationalist radio slur. 

      Andy and Chris Warski are smeared with this label despite the fact that Chris Warski is Andy's adopted Asian brother and together of them they bash the political left often and do so. In an amazing effective manner Chris Warski wondering why Barack Obama just doesn't get a fucking dog leash for his dog boy dog pony-soldier fucking Joe Biden. Old Biden likely thinks of dog-face Pony soldiers because this guy has been a dog for his ugly and old troll of a wife in ugly Jill Biden and he is kissed the foreign ass of broccoli eating Barack Hussein Osama for some 12 years now. Barack Obama Osama is

the real leader in control and he wanted to make the donors know this with his personal appearance at this event. In fact some of you suggested though as including the wharesky brothers that Barack Obama leading this old 94-year-old demented present out of the event was a subliminal sign to his donors that he is the one who really in charge. The worst this race divider horrible maniac who likely was not even as US citizen and ineligible to be a US president the grifter and globalist corrupt practicing Obama is the first occupied president of the United States and was a puppet himself to foreign Islamic virtues Joe

Biden is the Chinese puppet and indeed these two have worked in their 12 years in the administration together to virtually bring down this country Warski Brothers suggest that both Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden should be charged with treason Come Donald Trump's Victory and that these two political hacks and criminals for the banking globalist classes need to be held accountable for their attacks or economy and crimes against this nation.

Andy and Chris Warski desire one day to see Barack Hussein Obama in a court of law and a different justice system in charge as the Democrat ones has failed to bring about the rightful charges against these two politicians and their corrupt campaigns of economic terror against this country and the American citizens. The Warski's insist that a day of reckoning is coming for nasty old Biden and the Islamist Barack Hussein who both agree likely was working with the most radical elements of the Islamic Sharia movement and this truth likely will come out very soon one day

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