South Korean Tik TokerJade quite literally eating makeup making her nose bleed with the amount of fake cream and makeup eyeliner

 Rex Reed Jr

    Jade is incredibly sexy tattoo Dragon South Korean Tik Toker who has some of the most sexiest lips that God created and was not injected with lip suction Covid shots. Jade is incredible Tik Toker who quite literally she is putting so much makeup on she is harming her body as several Tik Tok show her nose quite eerily bleeding from the amount of face cream and twinkle nose facial features she makes for her large and growing international audience. The South Korean beauty is an also a great dancer but lately like many tick tock sexy girl performers - most of whom are either

Japanese or South Korean--vast amount of grifting videos for the facial hand cream and makeup industries is utterly shocking and appalling. All of these Tick Tock female performers with large audience push makeup and how these makeup companies have the funds to redistribute towards

females and push product that  literally is bad for women's faces and does very little. Jade seems to be quite literally eating makeup and face cream and she does not appear to have a boyfriend in any of her videos. 

      Unfortunately, a large percentage of her videos seem engineered to push products for consumers and the great sexy Jade appears to be headed towards promoting product primarily fuck face cream and various

eyeliner makeups which is a frustrating effect that Tick Tock and these other social media sites seem to be headed. The amount of drifting these females do for the corrupt and disturbing cosmetics industry and face cream is horrible, shocking, and appalling but unfortunately Jade has fallen into this direction with video after video showing fucking make up products along with her pretty face.  Jade did so many great

commercials showing her sexy ass funny faces cute smiles, but now like many others before her Jade has been purchased by corporatocracies in South Korea,  which is by the way is one of the most elite status symbol arrogant societies. This country is a capitalism cronyism on steroids where everyone thinks about money and everyone's trying to make money and push products on to each other. Some have suggested that South Korea is indeed hell on Earth as the amount of consumerism of this country is utterly disgusting and unfortunately for our favorite Tik Tok or Jade the pushing of corporate products primarily jack off cream and makeup is a fact of life

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