Adam Carolla seen at Neon gaming in Mount Prospect, Il says he's going to challenge Gavin Newsom and for governor of California

   Shinzo Yartiger

     Comedian Adam Corolla was recently seen at the Neon Gaming hub in Mount Prospect which is another great local place for young nerds and eighties gamers to come in and play all of the newest and old hits on computer and compete against one another. Adam Carolla is this class of celebrity that is obsessed with gaming and video games and he made an appearance at this new and small gaming place

in Des Plains , Illinois and he took time out from this grand opening to basically use it to bash snake oil Kalifornia governor Gavin Newsom. Not too long ago Adam Carolla got to ask tough questions to the horrible Democrat fascist governor of the Golden state that this greasy hair snake oil skin of this

reptilian Gavin Newsom. Mr Carolla got to ask Gavin Newsome why he shut down all of the stores and beaches and why were a few big box and Lebanese owned vape shops allowed to operate while other places and houses of Christian worship were shut down by this mad man. Adam Carolla humiliated Gavin Newsom in this Q and A that a that Newsmax set up with several high-profile

Californians who got to ask governor Gavin Newsom the tough questions that the Democrat party media of CBS, ABC, MSNBC, Adam Carolla played Call of Duty and space raiders and he hinted to his young fans he will seek a possible challenge and return to California and he may just run for governor.
 Gavin Newsom is a globalist fascist along the lines of Justin Trudeau and Emanuel Marcon. The snake oil hair slick and corrupt Kalifoirnia governor was humiliated by Adam in this News nation panel right before the first debate between trump and Biden as the California native and stand-up comedian and legendary voice in comedy confronted this slick haired politician why he pushed so many oppressive measures during Covid and had the audacity to arrest an individual for arresting 

alone man for paddleboarding in the pacific. Make no mistake Gavin Newsom much like the newly selected democrat vice president weirdo Tim Walz were among the class of 2020 wicked authoritarian Covid masters who used this to shut down capitalism. Gavin Newsom is a failed politician and the man should seriously consider a career change and the perfect career Gavin

Newsom should consider is one consisting of entertainment and stand up comedy. Gavin Newsom needs to go to the Norm Macdonald school of comedy and take some lessons as the slick-hair Golden boy would make a great stand up comedian as a natural talker and bullshit artist.

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