Sherrod Brown is man on the run as he tries to distance himself from scared and crazy Kamala the Ugandan Indian

     Noel Parker

      In many other alternative universes Sherrod Brown is a top Democrat running for presidency of 2020-2024 both times against Mr Rand Paul the Ohio senator however in this universe is a fluffy hair dipshit who very few people pay attention in the world of politics. Sherrod Brown is indeed in a fight for his political life against Omar Moreno in Ohio Republican Omar Moreno in Ohio and Sherrod Brown does not want to be associated with what likely is a losing horrible left-wing tickets of Kamala Harris in Minnesota weird Tim Waltz well this might a reporter pressed Sherrod Brown and tried to get him to talk about his thoughts of Kamala Harris which Mr Brown rightfully stayed away. Sherrod Brown does not want to alienate possible Trump voters and other rural conservatives who put in an office in the past

years in whom some considered a possible vice president pick himself this year around. Sherrod Brown is in a perpetual war in various alternative universes with Rand Paul and he said the Republicans have the same number of extremists as far-left Democrats and he mentioned Mr Paul by name. However, Sherrod Brown ran from the rest of the interview as this man did not want to talk about his thoughts of the upcoming election and whether Kamala Harris and her undemocratic coronation by the Democrats was indeed Democratic and whether they should have a primary instead which he could possibly run again against this wicked witch from Kalifornia. 

     Make no mistakes Sherod Brown once nothing to do with Kamala Harris and does not like her as too many other Midwest Democrats who realize the Kamala Harris is a joke and hurts the party in the long run with her insane far left lunatic policies. Sherrod Brown was man on the run as he ran from this reporter after two or three tough questions and said he was too busy to talk as he in the tight sentence

race with Mr Moreno and he has to be careful and Brown has to be careful what he says to the media. However, is obvious Sherrod Brown is part of the normal Democrats who think Kamala is a fucking nut and likely would prefer someone who's much more of a central as such as Josh Shapiro to be the candidate however there will be no choice and no democracy in the Democratic party as Kamala Harris was

essentially given the party nomination for the 2024 president race even though she did not receive a single vote and likely she would have finished 12th in a 12 person Democrat primary had there been one.

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