Communist Lee Camp now bashes pencil dick asshole David Pakman

         Ramon Ramos

      Lee Camp is a struggling YouTube left-wing maniac podcaster and he looks at other leftists who have bigger audiences and he cannot imagine how he hasn't been unable to grow an audience in the millions like other left wing wanker whack jobs just like him.  Like many liberals is a miserable son of a bitch who hates life who hates themselves and looks to do any hate video on YouTube as you can. Well the vast majority of the people Lee Camp taxes on the other political persuasion. This Jackass has shown the

ability to attack other liberals and Democrats and he did this not too long ago attacking the failed podcaster and our favorites asshole to troll and attack known as David packman. Mr Packman's name is very misleading and we have likely referred to him prefer to call him Pakant as this guy is nothing but a insignificant little ant who thinks he's some powerful voice on political opinion and thought. With this in mind David Pakman being a Jew he could never jump aboard the Palestinian terror movement it's basically Palestinian dogs and Hamas are terrorists and would love to do what the Germans did during World War II and finish the job. 

       Pac-Man as a secular Jew does not really dwell much into Israeli politics nor does he ever once again involved, but essentially he has done some video showing support for the state of Israel following the October 7th attack this has angered the antisemite Lee Camp who is a failed stand-up comedian and has now regressed as he ages into a brutal and wicked far-left lunatic propagandist in the podcast world we can't protest David Packer for not asserting more support for the Palestinians and two states solution and to watch one leftist attack another one is great to see on YouTube it is great feeling as any non-leftist can grab some popcorn and sit back and watch these left-wing Communists such as Lee Camp and David Pakman fight among himself about the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Making no mistake, Lee Camp is a thug who would love to be and he would fit in the Nazi armies of 80 years ago it's this man is so committed to hating Jews as an extreme Pro-Palestinian protester one has to wonder if Lee Camp is an actual secret Muslim much like Sean Stone was

when he had a productive podcast program a decade or so ago we can't probably does not want people to know he's a Muslim and only being a Muslim might explain why this psychopath and perpetual lunatic Lee Camp is so pro terrorist as anyone who is so vocally supportive of the Hamas and Hezbollah networks of terrorist organizations clearly must be terrorists himself and their dark hearts. 

     Lee Camp sudden and dramatic attack on David Pakman a fellow leftist likely was because he was angered by Pakman's silence on the Israeli-Palestinian situation and by his silence. This psychotic individual known as Lee Camp asserts that David Packman is a secret mossad agent and strong supporter of the state of Israel. Essentially Lee Camp has no nation nationality as he is a committed globalist who doesn't believe in borders and the far-left lunacy that elite can provide thankfully it's not drawing much support as his YouTube channel is dramatically lower. Camp he doesn't have the Russia Today money and broadcast ability like he use to in this country spreading their misinformation lies and political. We all in this country can deal and do less with scumbags like Lee Camp

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