Andrew of Run Don't Walk Productions fact checks slow Joe Biden's deranged last speech

 Chet Oliver

    Run Don't Walk Productions is run by this incredible and knowledgeable political analyst named Andrew. King Andrew has made a name for himself at least through this blog of one of the biggest Joe Biden haters out there and the incredible work of Run Don't Walk Productions in bashing and exposing this idiot stupid international funded, globalist, corrupt Delaware bad politician shit show Biden. Andrew may have done one of his last Joe Biden videos as there's not much Joe Biden left in this world which is a great thing and in what may be

Andrew Run Don't Walk Productions last Joe Biden Bash video. Mr Andrew utterly leveled and fact checked the numerous lies that Joe Biden said in his Democratic Convention speech as Andrew mocked this speech which was on the first day and so very late in the night that very few Americans fortunately did not run across this maniac's speech. Andrew of Walk Don't Run Productions also bashed very briefly the stupid ass of failed Illinois corrupt six term no Charisma jackass US senator Dick Durbin whom I hate with a passion.

     Joe Biden did a recap of his numerous lies and smears against Donald Trump mentioning the hoaxes against Trump calling for bloodbath, calling fallen soldier suckers and losers, and the lie of Trump calling very fine people on both sides have a Confederate statue protest back in 2017. Andrew will run don't walk and hates Joe Biden and indeed this failed president

demented 90-year-old is perhaps the worst president in the nation and the division and Hate Biden has all been a trademark of lies and decievment. We can only hope this is the end of Slow Joe Biden and the less the US political scene sees and hears this old troll the less toxic and better our political environment will become.  Andrew had to fact checked everything Joe Biden said whether it be the jobs reports of manufacturing that Biden says he brought back or that border crossings were higher under Donald Trump which is a lie. Lies are just something that this habitual maniac and liar Joe Biden cannot stop and there was so much to fact check the Andrew said this video could have been in 1 hour and 30 minutes covering this lunatic violence speech at the Democratic Convention. 

       Andrew naturally played many of Joe Biden's mistakes and gaffes at the convention as he talked about women's electrical power grid or something. Slow Joe Biden keeps lying saying that Donald Trump called and killed a border bill in order to politicize the Border crisis this is a lie that Andrew had a fact checked as the bill presented by the Democrats was only the first bill that was going to be Amendment

and debated as our most bills brought before congress. Joe Biden thinks the American people are stupid and this is why he brazenly says so many lies when he speaks in the public. The stupidity of Joe Biden is the defining moment of the Democrat Party in 2024 as this party has no shame in having such a horrible and zilly old man in a position of power that thankfully will come to an end in a few months if not sooner if we are lucky. 

      Andrew Run Don't Walk Productions put out 15-minute video of him fat checking this idiot Slow Biden and indeed Andrew seemed exhausted and saying he has done so many videos of Joe Biden that he quite frankly is tired of hearing and talking about this nasty old man. If we are all lucky Joe Biden will be pushing daisies in a few weeks as in no way can this guy continue living and this man is not going to live forever and hopefully he drops before the 2024 election is this idiot and evil people like him seem to live so long another outstanding Joe Biden mockery video by Andrew Run of Don't Walk Productions and we look forward to more Kamala Harris and Tim Waltz videos by him in the next few months.

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