State of Daniel YouTuber mocks Alexandria Ocasio Cortez radical propagandists for her like Thom Hartmann who simp for her and want her to run for president

     Bernardo Romano

   Calling the disgusting far left communist radial answer Tom Hartmann a synth and a piece of shit the young YouTuber known as state of Daniel utterly hammered the communist Thom Hartmann is a syndicated 70 something year old nasty fucker who should seriously consider retirement and this man has been spreading left-wing propaganda through his career for a long time. Thom Hartman is a snowflake trigger bastard who often reports people who

confront him in his comment sections or through Twitter X and YouTube. This man doesn't like any criticism or debate and his show is usually filled with him interviewing other relative lunatics from the far-left. With this in mind state of Daniel is a young up and coming YouTuber who has utterly bashed this prick and his silly video during the Democratic Convention as Thom

Hartman simped and wish he could be with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Thom Hartmann praised this lunatics crazed speech at the Democratic Convention and he suggested and opened up the possibility that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will follow Kamala Harris as a potential

presidential contender and candidate down the road. Naturally, Thom Hartmann is thinking with his 2-in dick is he desperately tries just like Ralph Nader to get the attention of this woman who is a Caribbean communist and someone who as a fellow communist he admires how she gained political power from after blowing guys in being a bartender. 

     State of Daniel said that Alexandria Casio-Cortez is clearly a psychopath and she is starting to show her age possibly if not president she will remain a congress idiot for a long time in her far left District Steve Daniel compared Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to Nancy Pelosi of 20 and 30 years ago and he suggested that the only idea Tom Harmon thinks that she's going to be president is because Harmon's in his own little bubble where this type of political operative and Caribbean communist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would have any favoring. The vast majority of the American people who are in tune with politics

knows that this woman is knucklehead and she is clearly a deranged puppet for international socialism and this woman has done everything in her ability to be toxic in our political environment and to spread political division. Hartmann admires her refusal to work in a bipartisan manner in our Congressional system and the brutal politics that is a result from this split congressional system made up of radicals/ like AOC and other lunatics of the squad. 

    Thom Hartmann is a piece of shit nasty old fucker who does not want any crossing of the aisle working together in Congress because he is a partisan communist who is committed or destroying our democracy and the political two-party system along with the checks and balances of our Supreme Court. Both nasty Alexandria Ocasio and Tom

Harvin have attacked the Supreme Court because they are upset that the courts in favor of the conservatives and the dangers of their evil rhetoric and attacks on the Supreme Court members is a fascistic move of the green party leftist and Communists that both ALC and dirtwad Thom Hartmann are carrying members who and who have infiltrated the Democrat Party government and media.

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