Dick Durbin bores the Democratic Convention with boring speech any ponders his future

 Appearing on some local corporate Chicago political radio show the 80-year-old Dick Durbin refused to say if he's going to run once again for another 6-year term or retires as he should.  The horribly uncharismatic and boring US senator from Illinois has served five or six terms and what Dick Durbin would get from another six-year term is inexplicable and utterly amazing. Dick Durbin will announce sooner or later that he will or will not run for another term and this nasty and deplorably dumb old man

ranks his among the most boring politicians of all time. How this idiot keeps getting elected with every 6 years who has done a horrible job with the state of Illinois every 6 years 600,000 people must leave the state of Illinois because of the miserable economic opportunities and deplorable conditions. Illinois has regressed so much because of shit politicians like Dick Durbin, yet he keeps getting elected and one must think that somehow the Durban urban Democrat Party Machine knows how to win the elections and steal elections. It is easy for his team to do this, or the rural people of Illinois do not really partake in the political process and the same percentage as the urban Cook County and the libshit chicken shit Chicago suburbs that seems to be the only part of the state that elects and votes for this silly son of a

little dick nose Mr. Durbin. 

     Dick Durbin spoke at the Democratic Convention and was not highlighted because this dick head is a unhighlight D dick faced politician. Dick Urban came with one of the most boring and vanilla speeches of all time and it Mr Durbin's speech was not mentioned nor covered one iota by the networks aside from maybe the Chicago area. Dick Durbin needs to do was right and step aside and get his ugly old face away from our political system. This man adds nothing in his done very little for the Illinois is this man basically is more interested in serving on committees than serving the people of Illinois. The people of Illinois are stupid who vote for Dick Durbin and unfortunately it appears that the Republican party is dead in the state as this is a politician who should have been defeated for reelection several times for the horrible job he has done in it. The senior senator and senior mentally declining citizen Dick Durbin should retire and put his old droopy face away as this man quite literally looks like the dog droopy in the cartoons. The ability of the Democrat Party to dominate the Land of Lincoln has been one of the political nightmares of the last two decades and as the state demographics have changed thanks to the Democrats and open borders and immigration. 

     The one party State role has been enforced and the quality of life for most of the state has been degraded thanks to scum like tired Dick Durbin. If this Dick runs again for another 6 years he'll be almost 90 before he leaves office once again this man is a walking poster of why we need term limits and to limit the ability of sick individuals and corrupt motherfuckers like Dick Durbin from dominating and staying in major office forever...together. The Michael Madigan trial is coming very soon in the state of Illinois and clearly Dick Durbin has been a corrupt motherfucker on par with the former State

Democrat secretary and corrupt spiritual leader for the democrats the past three decades from Springfield, Illinois in the disgusting leprechaun Michael Madigan-- who is on trial for major corruption and whether this web of corruption brings in the dick head Dick Durbin one day remains to be seen. Ldet usp pray and hope. 

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