Florida Governor Ron DeSantis absolutely crushes Tim Waltz and his weird behavior and he considers running for president in 2028

Douglass Glasgow

    Former presidential candidate and Florida Governor Ron De Santis Sanders came out on the press conference and took questions something that Kamala Harris is not able to do. Mr DeSantis is still trolling and amazingly has been making rounds smacking the Democrats around it under the radar and many have not responded as they do not consider De Santis a major issue at this time. so as Mr  De Santis is under the

radar he's been smacking the shit out of Kamala Harris's ass and the other day he smacked the shit out of the weird individual known as Tim Waltz. De Santis went on to wreck Waltz laughing at the idea that Tim Wal\z would call JD Vance or any Republican weird when the absolute policies of this weirdo from Minnesota's governor pushing for perverted books to be pushed onto young children and for transvestites and transgender to share bathrooms with little girls. Ron Santis  is jabbing Tim Weird and the Democrats so much they don't even comprehend or realize it and the jabbing that De Santis does is a lot like Muhammad Ali circa 1960- 9

     Tim Walz is a weird politician who is obsessed with promoting transgenderism and whether Tim Walz wears pink pantyhose and pink panties under his suit remains to be seen and should be questioned to him personally by the prince Ron DeSantis. With that said that weirdo  Tim Waltz also is the dud that allowed the city to burn following the death of George Floyd and prevented Donald Trump's sending federal troops and each and every policy that Tim Weirdo supports with the

LGBQTIPii weirdo community can best be defined more appropriately as weird. Tim Walz has a weird obsession and attitudes for China as the man loves the one-party state communist government and went over there in his college days is weird. Governor De Santis at the press conference essentially called Tim Waltz and his Socialist Communist theories and policies as a danger in the existential threat to our country and that the Minnesota governor is a loony bird.  Tim Waltz is a reptilian too who flirts with China and has numerous times said he respects and admires the one-party State brutal authoritarian Chinese government. 


What Ron DeSantis didn't say though some should say is what is wrong with the people Minnesota who would elect such shit as Tim Watts, Ilhan Omar, Keith Ellison, and not to mention Jesse "The steroid Body" Ventura. Whether the long Winters freeze brains the people Minnesota to not pay attention to politics and they are all liquored and hockey up that to even care must be researched one day by some researchers. Ron De  Sanders has been hammering this stupid prick vice president nominee whom by all accounts is one of the stupidest and dumb mother

fuckers radicals we've ever had in a major political office. Indeed Mr Walz cannot be hammered enough as this individual is a hammer and sickle type politician. De Santis also brought up how the BLM riots and the Democrat politicians bailed out these violent insurrectionists who torched the city and this is indeed a violent man in Tim Waltz-- who hates this country and is committed spreading Marxism in it. Ron De Sanders roasted Tim Waltz ass for his failures in preventing the destruction of Minneapolis following the 2020 Floyd George death; which essentially the BLM riots was a black insurrection against this country by committed black supremacists and drug addicts. Tim Walz sat back and allowed this to occur resisting Donald Trump's authority and willingness to send in federal troops right away because Tim Walz is a far-left lunatic and a black supremacist who just happens to have white skin. This silly bastard run since also called out the snitch hotline that was straight out of East

Germany circa 1960 which would have Minnesota's call in those who violated the extreme Covid draconian laws and stay at home orders which De Santis mocked and admonished. These were early stay at home laws this fascist Tim Walz ordered having the national guard shoot paintballs on his orders to anyone outside and this weirdo Tim Walz should of been forced to resign after these videos were made public. De Santis said it was weird for a government in Minnesota and a governor to order everyone had to be inside and in bed and lights out at 8:00 during the early months of the Democrat freak out of this fake Chinese virus. Ron De Santis is showing once again that he is prepared and he's very seriously considering running for president in 2028. he is from some sources, and he is already kicked off his campaign attacking the potential incoming nightmare of a Kamala Harris Tim Walt's Communist Party Administration in the United States or in actually... the Soviet States of America

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