Former Rockstar Roger Stone comes on Alex Stein's podcast and bashes Tim Walz's weirdness and choice of dog

        Ramon Ramos

    Tim Waltz's Minnesota Governor is one of the weirdest politicians we have seen in our lifetime. The fact that Kamala Harris would pick this weird jackass as his vice president is utterly amazing and the growing authoritarianism movement within the Democratic party likely might explain this choice Tim Watts proved that he is willing to shut down the state under orders from China as a long devoted and loyal subject to the Chinese Empire and the Orange dictator Jinping Xi. With this in mind the former lead singer  of the legendary rock group Thundercon Roger Stone appeared on the Alex Stein podcast. Mr Stone has become a top Republican strategist and Roger Stone predicted given the awareness of the democratic authoritarianism of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz many more Democrats are going to leave and full show full support. Roger Stone suggested that likely both Bernie Sanders and Gavin Newsom in the coming

weeks will join the Trump train as they do not like Kamala Harris and want to see her train wrecked and utterly humiliated as a wicked witch of Kalifornia that she always has been likewise the weird Tim Waltz and how he treats his dogs is under scrutiny as the man also treats his son pretty weird tugging on his kids arm in much the same manner as he walks the dogs is a weird piece of shit and both Alex Stein and Roger Stone utterly eviscerated this goofy fucker from Minnesota who for some reason Kamala Harris chose to be her running mate. This former two-decade public school teacher is absolutely unqualified to be even near the White House and he is not even qualified to be the city of St Paul County and County Dog Catcher as indeed is Tim Walz and his weird obsession with dogs.

     Walz is like alot of people as he is part of the dog obsessed community members of our society who believe dogs are more important than people. Alex Stein and Roger Stone think that many other Democrats are going to leave this horrible ticket as they realize that there was an undemocratic process that put Kamala Harris into being the nominee after Joe Biden utterly failed in the first debate and his brain became popcorn. Tim Walz and his weird obsession with sucking horse meat and touching dog shit from his ugly dogs is being made public and the former rocker Mr Stone suggesting that if Kamala Harris had any sense she would replacing the prick pick with another vice president as Tim Waltz is just too

fucking dog weird along with his weird family to ever be on top of any ticket. Alex Stein Prime Time number 99 and the great former rock star Roger Stone utterly decimated these two jackasses and the complete failure of Tim Walz Disney. 

    Kamala Harris was seen in her recent interview with ABC Disney  and Dana Bash as both Stein and Stone said this woman cannot and is mentally unstable and likely heavily alcoholic to be having Daily Press briefings and talk with the media. Kamala Harris is indeed very tipsy and perhaps her being drunk like a skunk explains how such a piece of shit like Tim Waltz was selected as vice president as no one in their right mind would pick this guy to be their running mate in any presidential ticket in modern  or historical times. This was a great interview we highly recommend these two great people to view in this interview in Roger Stone and Alex Stein getting together these two often get overlooked in their strong political opinions and insightful knowledge of and politics where trolling and politics combine.

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