Alex Rosen AKA Gordon Flowers humiliates the little one as he brings the documents and the letters and paperwork of Predator trying to meet underage girls

 Jim Oberweis

    Alex Rosen otherwise known as Gordon Flowers did it again. The incredible predator hunter was on the hunt looking for these online sexual predators who go on all these Telegram Gab type sites and try to meet up with young girls. Alex Rosen and did his Gordon Flowers character is he confronted yet another sucker who was trying to meet with underage girls off the internet. Alex Rose and towered over this little man as he called him who was at his workplace in a

unnamed Big Box store. Mr Rosen had a lot of paperwork as  he usually does in documentation when he catches the sexual predators. For this retail worker and Vape smoking addict he was caught red-handed

and was about to go down. For over an hour and a half Gordon Flowers towered over this man and went outside at his workplace to go over the evidence he had that this man was indeed trying to meet underage girls which he did not deny. However he told Gordon that he did not plan on having sex and it was up to the girl as if this somehow softens his

crime.  Gordon Flowers usual filming of the suspect and did the usual pretend in being his friend saying that they are not a bad guy. The main goal of Alex Rosen is to get these fools to spill the beans about all the things they do on the dark web including stuff with infants and once again Alex Rosen got this fool to spill the beans with him on video. 

    The police showed up in Alex Rosen indeed confirmed what this young man was telling him about trying to meet underage preteen girls off the internet and this naturally was going to be as downfall as the police cameras seen and heard everything and they wrote down pretty much all that he said to Alex Rose and Mr Rosen hand in the paperwork of these individual trying to meet and underage girl for sex. This was yet

another sting that Alex Rosen was able to get with this little man trying to meet a little girl and Rosen is willing to drive fast to meet and catch these guys. The little man was so intimidated by Rosen that he asked Axle to sit down with him so they can be equal and eye level. Once again this idiot not knowing that everything he was saying could be used against him pretty much told Mr Rosen the truth of his motivation and going online trying to find these illegal videos through the nefarious file sharing websites. Alex Rose

and humiliated this guy who was eventually cuffed and stuffed and thrown in a paddy wagon and the number of individuals and video and Gordon Flower videos that Alex Rosen is able to do stinging and catching these predators is utterly amazing and hard to keep track. There must quite literally be almost a thousand videos of him doing and traveling real fast all over the country and catching these guys with many of them actually being arrested for the things that they admitted under Alex Rosen's unusual interrogation. Alex Rosen strong tactics

pretending to be the friend of the little guy giving him a fist bump and telling him that he's not a bad guy and then asking him all sorts of incriminating questions that Axel Rose would eventually pass off to the arriving police and this predator sting video was just like all of his videos on various YouTube channels. These guys are not in any circumstances have to talk to Mr Rosen and it's quite unbelievable so many do and put themselves in further legal problems with their big mouths when confronted by " big" Alex Rosen.

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