Mark Levin torches the plans for more golf courses in Florida and the state park and Kamala Harris's war on the traditional house

  Brook Tanner

        The great one talk show host Mark Levin went off not too long ago talking about Kamala Harris and the Democrats party war on the traditional single-family housing. The corrupt Democrats and their areas constantly are building multi-dwelling units that are very expensive and all out of the reach of many of the pocketbooks of many Americans. The corruption of the Democrat Party and their willingness only to provide multi-story condo and Tower complexes is one of the identifications of the Democratic cities in the corruption that builds their buildings. Mark Levin absolutely torched the

Democratic party and the constant attack against traditional homes with yards and garages as these maniacs want to redefine what housing should be and will look in the future. Mark Levin is very well aware of this and Agenda 21 and looking at the foreign countries throughout Europe the vast majority of the housing stock are apartments and tall condos. This disastrous living arrangement is preferred by the

global order as an easier method of control and Mark Levin pointed out several ways of the war against the traditional household in Suburban landscape by these lunatics within the Democrat Party. One only has look around the communities and see the only traditional the new housing is multi-dwelling units many of them often replacing what was once traditional housing in homes with yards front and back.


     This disgusting arrangement is pushed and preferred by the green movement and these climate fanatics and this disgusting fact was made out by Mark Levin as their main goal is to destroy people's independence and privacy. Mark Levin tours Kamala Harris as this woman and her policies are indeed going to be one that continues the Democrat Party and Joe Biden's war on traditional housing. This war is indeed being waste in many other countries as well is Europe wants to basically make many areas

look like the Gaza Strip and mother Russia stacking people on top of each other. Make no mistake building living is not natural for humanity and is not the preferred habitat and indeed this is why many people hate cities and what they represent. The great one Mark Levin was not having any of this and he would join the latest growing resistance against this UN Agenda 21 that wants every landscape and Community to be these legos black look alike boring buildings where people have no yards back or front and instead have a little patio to look

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