Body language guy Jesus Rojas levitates Tim Walz and his body language and his obsession with his dog shit

 Jay Yang

    The  body language guy on YouTube did a piece on Tim Walt's who is the disgusting and horrible Minnesota Governor the other day. Tim Walt's pointed out Jesus Enrique Rojas pointed out how Tim Walz and his body language clearly is of a deranged man and individual.  Mr Rojas wonders how the students of this man were able to cope with such a psychopath heading the classroom.

Jesus Enrique Rojas played several videos of some of Tim Walz's more notorious video such as he calling socialism neighborly and Mr Rojas brought out how Tim Walt's essentially is declaring and open about his support for socialism and communism.

Likewise, Tim Waltz's appearance with Dana Bash and his crying about people criticizing his kids and dogs was played by this body language expert who showed that clearly Mr Walz can be seen unhinge and thinking often of the criticism of his weird looking

dogs and how they look stressed out having such a crazed owner as the mad Minnesota governor. The dogs look stressed and beaten and the online critics have pointed out the dogs of Tim Walz look unhealthy and like scared cats. 

      Mr Rojas says he knows a communist when he sees and hears one and clearly Tim Weird is a communist as Mr Rojas replayed the videos of the camping out and burning in Minneapolis for the criminal George Floyd and Mr Rojas wonders if these people who are burning Minneapolis down had s'mores candy bars at the fires and we're telling stories and enjoying their summer night back in 2020. This communist Minnesota governor scumbag Walz allowed the city to burn refusing calling National Guard for several days. Mr Rojas also played how Tim Walz seems to be more concerned with illegal aliens and their ability to drive with a license is the commitment of progressive far-left values and allowing nonsense to drive and live is a committed Marxist goal of Mr Waltz that likely he learned when he studied in China. The online the body language guy says that the body language of Tim Walz as he does these radical woke progressive causes is one with intention to antagonize those who strongly oppose the craze agenda. Walz's open support of a crazed progressive madness on overdrive and uses  government to enforce this weird agenda of a weird governor with an ability to get weird past passages passed in his state of Minnesota makes Jesus Rojas disgusted. 

    The gender affirming care that the state of Minnesota gives to confuse young people to change their identity and operate on them perhaps is one of the more sickest in the furious legislation ever passed by government and the vocalypse scum like this Timberwolve Tim Waltz. The deranged vice-president nominee is very angered at online criticism of how he kicks and tugs at his dogs and other weird actions that he does with his dogs including getting close to their dog's mouth and Tim Waltz has been seen almost licking his dog's mouth which is utterly disgusting. 

     Tim Walz is a weird and disgusting individual and the fact that Kamala Harris would pick such a zilly jackass to be her running mate is utterly reprehensible. The body language guy Jesus Enrique Rojas play the video of Tim Walt's open supportive of the city of Minneapolis being a sanctuary city and having local control and naturally a scumbag like Tim Walz would want local control because unfortunately too many American cities are Democrat thus are funded by globalists and are able to establish one party State monopolies with no political opposition from the Republican Party. The direct result we get are insane polices presented and passed by jackasses such as Tim Waltz and his support for sanctuary cities. Jesus Rojas has dealt with socialism

wherever he has lived in South America and he knows a socialist rat bastard when he sees one and clearly everything Tim Walz does is pure socialism and just plain weird as signing bills to require schools to stock boys bathrooms with women's vagina products. This is just weird and only a weird politician like Tim Waltz would support such garbage.

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