YouTuber PillZarnRy goes off on black cultural trash and 10-year-old rapper Lil RT having a dating contest

     Mulligan Sullivan

    PillZarnRy cannot believe it he was flipping through some YouTube channels when he came across what appear to be a contest for a 10 year old little boy who looks like he's a 5 year old. A bunch of little black girls were being arranged and a grown ass man was asking the little 5-year-old looking 10-year-old black boy what he thought of these girls before him and whether did he find them attractive and the sick and ever

degenerate black American cultural lifestyle naturally piss PillZarnRy off. He discovered rap music had something to do with this and indeed this little ten-year-old black boy is a vulger rapper named Lil RT. It appears at

this little 10-year-old black boy is a 10-year-old drill and violent rapper talking about bitches and eating snatch which is utterly reprehensible, and this was a case that PillZarnRy made in a 25-minute video on his small but very informative YouTube channel.

     This is a little boy rapping about if bitches are sucking his dick they need to step back. PillZarnRy quite literally ripped into this video and cannot believe that a grown ass man would present 10 preteen black girls to this black boy as if he was the king of Nubia or something. This cultural regression of the Black American is very discerning and plays a large part in the growth of violence urban culture that we see are blue cities have

degraded into. The absurdity and asinine of this Lil RT dating game or whatever and with this grown ass black man making this video for this 10 year old drill rapper named Lil Rt was utterly reprehensible. PillZarnRy says this ratchet culture of rap music and weird black separatism and oddness in Black America as long been a wicked and sick cultural phenomenon and explains many things we see going on in this country whether it be the political division or the high skyrocketing rates of crime. 

     PillZarnRy quite literally ripped into the producers who made this stupid video and anyone that would push forward a 10-year-old little black boy to be a hardcore vulgar and potty mouth rapper and it appears these are the values some black men with money and part of the music mafia wish to teach at a young age and brainwash  is culturally normal and appropriate to call young black girls bitches and women bitches. PillZarnRy blasted the black music industrial complex

and those who would promote and sell such garbage music be it record companies or the actual silly and likely drugged out fans who purchase this toxic content and participate in the scam of on-line streaming sales and bloating of it for particular musical styles and performers fake popularity produced by the black community I have long maintained music is like this weird Ponzi scheme that has links with jewelry Industries an together with the narcotic illegal drug industry and all together they are one big gold fucking chain and a menace to our society.

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