WGN Eddie Schwartz bashes Adam Kinzinger calls him a grifter and a Democrat

 Bill Gilmore

    WGN's perpetual number one late night television radio program is run by the 600-lb man named Eddie Schwartz. Mr Schwartz has been on the radio in Chicago for over 30 years and has been very attuned to politics both local and on the national level with his overnight Radio Show. Fast Eddie in the past year has turned more to the right seeing the insane and radical Democrats run by billionaire plutocrats of the George Soros and JB Pritzker kind. Eddie Schwartz blast today's Democrat Party as essentially being a undemocrat political movement and indeed the appointment of Kamala Harris Mr

Schwartz says is the epitome of this new direction that today's Democrat Party has moved into. Fat Eddie no longer recognizes the Democrat Party and has said repeatedly that today's Democrat Party is not your grandfather's Democrat Party and is made up of these Green party hijackers long tired of losing as a weak third party and have infiltrated the Democratic party with international Green agenda money. Not only have greenist infiltrated the Democrats many of today's Rhinos in the Republican Eddie Shorts remind his audience are essentially the same as Democrat radicals. Eddie put full frontal lobe direction

at Illinois own Adam Kingman as an example as the failed former four-term congressman did very little for the people in his economically depressed area. The people were about to overthrow the Kingzinger before redistricting saved Adam Zinger the embarrassment of being elected out of office as a four-term incumbent congressman which is very rare.

     Adam Kinzinger is now a grifter for the media and the Democrat Party which often brings this loser out and  said and proclaims him as a former Republican or republican Eddie Schwartz doubts that Adam Kingman was ever a Republican and that this man likely pretend to be one in order to get

elected into the political congressional system where he most often voted with a Democrats while failing to service the people of his district. Eddie Schwartz called Adam King an absolute disgrace and pondered why so much media network time in MSNBC and CNN is given to this silly and goofy motherfucker failed former Illinois congressman whom Eddie Shwartz said was not even qualified to be Clinton County Dog Catcher. 

    Eddie Schwartz said this man is out of politics and likely will never get into another major political office in the state of Illinois unless he changes party and joins the Democrats which Eddie Shwartz dared him to do. Schwartz put the challenge for this silly bastard Adam Kingman to run for governor and challenge JB Pritzker or Dick Durbin for the US Senate and said little

Adam Ant cannot ponder a life without major political office. Sooner or later Eddie Schwartz warned that the networks will not be so forgiving and giving him important media time with nothing on his record will cease and desist and that Mr King should realize that sooner or later these network opportunities will come to an end unless she somehow gets back into office. Needless to say this scumbag Adam Scumbag will never represent the Republican Party in the state of Illinois as this party is done with jackasses like him who never presented True Values of today's Republican Party and Adam Kissinger was a pretend Republican who just wanted a seat and he occupied these seats in Congress Eddie Schwartz called Mr Kingman one of the worst representatives and examples of Illinois and slowly this jackass should disappear like many other former political members, but in today's partisan media and the left-wing Democrat Party media can milk this silly bastard for propaganda points and this is essentially what Adam Zinger has become

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