Killer whales on the attack as they sink a boat off coast of Portugal

 Jake Glass 

Animal stories

   A viral video of a killer whale attacking a boat has made the rounds of the Seven Seas and sea captains of all type. Many boaters and ship steers have enough problems with worrying about sharks in the oceans but it appears now that the killer whales are indeed getting more aggressive and on the attack against humanity long tired of the

continued infringement on their habitat by the wealthy people and the global class who often owns many of these folks and ships in the seas. This viral video shows a killer whale absolutely freaking out and humping a boat sinking it and it's inhabitants as other folks moved out of the way and went towards the people jumping out of the boat. This aggressive Sea Beast went after

the sailors somewhere in the North Atlantic and the aggressiveness and ability of killer whales to wreck havoc on the shipping lanes cannot be understated. Killer whales are the alpha kings of the Seven Seas is nothing comes close to them and we've often been surprised observing the wild kingdom. Why killer whales have been placid with humanity through all these years. It appears though that the killer whales are getting more angry at the various infringements under oceans and sooner or later killer whale attacks are going to be much more common than they are right now.  

     More people we predict one day will die of killer whales than sharks. Whales have been two Placid with Humanity through them centuries and perhaps because of the overhunting and the threat that Humanity has posed to them has been a learned trait passed on from whale to whale generation killer whale store having enough of these land Wells and the ships and boats that go to Sea and sooner or later these whales are just going to be attacking any both they see knowing the weakness of mankind in many

of these cases Federal governments are starting to study these growing number of killer whale attacks on shipping and the harassment that the whales are following many ships and boats jumping around them as if trying to intimidate them out of their Jones killer whales are no longer playing around and the destructive power that a

whale can do to a mid-size SS Minnow type bolt cannot be ignored and should serve as a growing threat and warning to all those who go out to see

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