Election grifter Tik Tok Harry getting more desperate and fuller of gay lies as Trump takes lead in the polls against Kamala Harris

 Frank Banks

       The numerous lives of the online troll known as Tik Tok Harry continues to grow as Kamala Harris has peaked and new polls are showing that Trump is maintaining a lead and likely will grow in the coming weeks. The number of Tick Tock fairies that are on the Chinese social media site continues to grow. Many of these trolls and sycophants for the Biden/Harris policies often have their faces way up close to the camera looking like a Batman villain. Perhaps the most famous is a sissy named Harry Sisson who continues to put out radical hate attacks against Republicans and conservatives on Tic Tac to carry lies in his very partisan videos. This is precisely why he is a paid Democrat Party hack which he never states in his propaganda Tik Tok channels much like Dash Dabrowski this idiot with a nasty smirky grin as he talks super close to the camera and his videos literally are ridiculous along with the slander type propaganda that he often portrays through this Chinese CCP communist outlet. 

     Harry Sisson is a disgusting troll perhaps 2024 elections biggest and well-funded Democrat internet troll and the various outlets this little soy boy homosexual is able to perform his ritualistic smear slander videos is utterly insane. Harry Sissy is a mouthpiece for the system and he needs to be called out more for the sissy type of propaganda he provides for the Democrat Party directing many of his videos to millennial z type ignorant voters who know little about politics. Many of these first-time voters indeed may be swayed by a silly

jackass like Harry Sisson. This clown needs a fact Cc and a butt slammer  and someone needs to do various counter Tick Tock videos counting the lies of these propagandists like Dash and Harry and providing the same type of attack material that is often portrayed by YouTube podcasters, but not seeing much on Chinese owned and election meddling  Tik Tok.  Sisson is a jackass and a half who makes some of the most ridiculous

accusations and misinformative videos imaginable and how well funded this troll is and his ability to continue to lie out of his arse online and primarily through Tik Tok is a disgusting aspect of this coming election and cycle

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