Over 90 killed in mass protests as authoritarian dictator Nicholas Maduro and his election rigging is on the brink of civil war as Javier Milei calls for a international intervention

       Andy Cruz

\    Argentine president Javier Milei has called for international US-led intervention into Venezuela. Mad Dog ugly former bus driver and communist dictator socialist Nicholas Maduro according to audits lost 60% to 35% in election landslide. The fascist though is retaining power in this South American country  however. having rigged the elections and had his police in military force take ballots in one of the most

egregious elections frauds of all time. Nicholas Maduro has inspired the Democrat Party in America to produce similar election thieving results as we saw in 2020 and it at least now the US and the state department is putting heavy pressure on Nicholas Maduro demanding that he stepped down after

obviously losing the recent election. The opposition candidates were able to keep computer records of the voting tablets before the Maduro's thugs took these boxes and indeed the election result actually showed a Nicholas Maduro lost almost a two to one vote tally. Argentine hero president and libertarian Javier Milei has called Nicholas Maduro's illegitimate president and demanded that he stepped down and he is willing to help any US International force with his troops to help overthrow this fascist dictator known as Nicholas Maduro. The disgusting former bus driver and limo driver for Hugo Chavez was

hand selected by the cancer and mentally cognitive declining Hugo Chavez who looted his own people and government for millions for himself and his family members. This scoundrel scumbag has stolen two elections keeping the Socialist extremists in power in Venezuela and their war against capitalism. Argentina is on the verge of declaring war in the United States needs to fully accomplish this toppling of a undemocratic socialist

government in Venezuela and their extremist fascist dictator known as Nicholas Maduro. Argentina is taking the lead in putting International pressure and more sanctions against this

Mad Dog Who by all essence stole this election and the last one he had six years ago in a desperate act to keep power this disgusting authoritarian communist needs to be disposed and the only way to do it is to have a us-led South American International Coalition to send in forces and invade this country and topple Nicholas Maduro and this fact and the Democrat Party unwillingness to do this in the last few years will eventually have to change whether they like it or not

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