YouTuber Melanie King crashes Kamala Harris and the Barack Obama lie of taking women's rights in the cult of abortion death

 Milton Wiener

     Going all in and repeating one of Barack Hussein Obama's biggest talking point lies, Kamal Haris is openly supportive continuing the tradition and condition of the Democratic obsession with supporting and pushing abortion to the last day before a child is born. The sickness of the cult of abortion is utterly reprehensible and the Democrat Party has always been a supporter and is a bought and paid for advocate of

abortion by the sick medical industry that wants to make money from terminating pregnancies. The brutal legalization and for profiteering in the murder of babies was thankfully put back to the States and stopped on the federal level by the great former president Donald Trump and through the aid of his Supreme Court. The defense of the unborn has been achieved for now.

However, what we have our psychopath Democrat politicians, such as Kamala Harris, who is currently trying to be president. She is following the same trend according to YouTuber Melanie King of pushing and highlighting the cult of abortion that Barack Hussein Obama helped and strengthened successfully in his disastrous and evil eight years as an occupied foreign globalist corrupt and failed president. 


  Melanie King bashed Kamala Harris and her obsession with killing babies in women's womb as this sick mind virus that the political left is obsessed with eliminating the population and killing the unborn is the evil that we are fighting as conservative Republicans and is a top issue. Barack Obama will die and go to hell and his deathbed for initiating such an evil agenda and resisting their evil  overturned of Roe versus Wade act which was pure satanic legislation by a sick government body in the United States back in 1973. We must

continue to fight this death Aztec type cult and the coming lies and huge funding that will come from in order to legalize this death cult and Melanie King called out the abusive lies and brutal support of this sick woman running for president. Kamala Harris is

guilty and has participated in killing of many many unborn babies  with her sick policies and allowing a disturbed medical industry the profit from this death cult. Much like her benefactor Barack Hussein Obama, Kamala Harris is determined to legalize and make it as easy as possible up to the last minute before a baby is born for government and a medical industry to terminate it and put large charges to be paid in order to fatten their wallets from this genocidal disgusting Democrat Party and global agenda.

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