Countdown for Clay Travis's life continues as his days are limited by psychotic Kamala Haris fan who has not been apprehended

        Ed West

     Coming before the Steven Crowder show, Clay Travis suggested he is days before he is killed according to a death threat he received from the studio. The Outkick right-wing talk show host has talked about the numerous death threats that he has gotten since he has been criticizing Kamala Harris and this apparently has triggered and angered the psychopaths within the Kamala Harris campaign and administer of her campaign. Clay Travis may have days left and with this in mind he spoke to Steven Crowder talking about the insanity of modern-day politics and how an individual such as he may now face potential death from this letter writer. Whoever wrote this letter has not been apprehended and they

are free and out and able to kill Clay Travis and this man may be a dead man walking having a few days left before the deadline. Whatever the date was when Clay Travis had that the individual told him he had 10 days before he would be killed. 

         Mr Travis came and told Crowder the details of this disgusting and repulsive letter written possibly from Kamala Harris herself for all we know. Clay said he is not going to be put in silence and intimidation and Clay Travis said that he is not scared and he is not going to be silenced. Travis is not even going to think about it hiring security or police despite the seriousness of this crazy letter which upon reading it shows the deranged lunacy that exists of the far left in this

country of which many are jumping the Kamala Harris bandwagon hoping that she is the one who will guide this country into the fascist future that they saw admire and desire. Clay Travis said that he is ready for this assassin and the courage that he is showing despite the hundreds of death threats and this one serious one which would give an actual date and time that only Clay Travis knows and has not given men or made public.

Whether this threat is serious or not. What is known as it's a Kamala Harris follower has threatened the man who is a well-known and established media member in TV and  radio and she needs to come out and condemn this letter writer and to tell them not to use her name in vain to harm and threaten an individual. The fact that this psychopath Kamala Harris has not exemplifies what type of character in evil that she might represent and Clay Travis made this known as he talked to Steven Crowder about this letter.

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