Beard Meets Food Joe Hansen, Notorious B.O.B always find money for nothing and the chicken for freeand others thriving in a world of hunger and struggle

         Chuck " Chesse puff" Goodwin

    The notorious food overeaters and YouTubers known as Beard Meets Food and Joel Hansen along with notorious B.o.b are doing very good in this economy despite the very struggles of the average person in paying their bills and especially the keeping up with the high cost inflation and food costs. Apparently for some individuals at the higher ranks of the economy things are looking very good this includes the nasty and notorious three big three of the food challengers in Joel Hansen, Beard Meets food aka Adam Moran, and the YouTube over-eater personality known as notorious B.O.B. These three individuals and kings of food gouging somehow seem to find eternal free funding to travel across Great Britain and the United States and do all these food

challenges and for these three clowns the economic challenges of the average person both in Great Britain across the pond and in the United States is of no concern. Joel Hansen in particular seems to travel a lot and always be eating large and masses amount of food and the aspects of these individual visual optics of these three jackasses overeating and gorging themselves in food at restaurants while there's major economic pain and decline for the vast majority of people is utterly reprehensible.


      Mr Hansen along with notorious B.O.B and Beard Meets Food not only travel a lot for free or mysteriously funded to travel, but they often enter these food challenges and when and get their food for free as well. These three guys somehow have managed to find money for nothing in this global

economy and through big tech YouTube and in a world of hunger the idea that there would be personalities who just are proud and have pride to display their gluttony is utterly reprehensible and a sign of the times. These three disgusting individuals find ways to get free money from corrupt sources to fund their

overeating ventures and the venture capital and hedge fund money that these jerks get need to be traced investigated. No way in a real world there would be no place for individuals who enter food challenges and eat as much as they can posting it on YouTube, while there is so much a world of hunger and misery and despair. Beard Meets Food Adam along with notorious B.o.b and the weird Joel Hansen are another disgrace and there gluttonous channels on YouTube are you further display of the narcissism then we see with today's internet era

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