Vive Frei rips fascist Jamie Raskin and says a special subcommittee congressional meeting to censor and remove him needs to take place

Woody Underwood

    Slick and sly YouTuber Viva Frei utterly unloaded on the scumbag rat bastard Democrat known as Jamie Raskin. Mr Raskin is a member of the house and a long time committed fascist who seeks to prevent Donald Trump from getting into the White House again. Jimmy Ratkin was among the leading figures in politics leading a fake Russian collusion charge and how this

scumbag and rap after Jamie Raskin was not brought before trial for this shenanigan is not known. What is known as Jamie Raskin is clearly a fascist and Viva Frei recently did a video focusing on this rat bastard congressman from

Maryland who has been nothing but a weird politician since he was first elected in 2018. This asshole Jamie girl Raskin seems to have a committed goal to a one-party state authoritarian fascist rule for his Democrat Party and this man makes it clear whenever he opens his fuck face and trap hole.  Viva Frei

played a video of Jimmy Raskin at a library discussion with other Democrats about how congress can go on the down low to prevent Donald Trump from taking office in 2025.  Jimmy Raskin made it clear that there's a possible way that congress can deny Donald Trump even if he wins and the commitment that Jamie Raskin has towards moving this country towards an undemocratic future put a chill in the spine of Mr. Frei. 

     this is a fry called out and did a video bashing this fascist and basically openly saying that he plans to do a coup to prevent Donald Trump from taking office when he is expected to win in November Mr Raskins should be forced to be present himself before a special Congressional subcommittee to explain these comments he made in the library a few months ago and what his agenda and goal is to use the

constitution to remove Donald Trump. Make no mistake Jimmy Raskin is a rat bastard ugly mother fucker (UMF) who has done more to make our political system toxic than perhaps any other politician in this

nations history. Viva Frei called Jimmy Raskin the rat politician that he is and the popular Youtuber Viva Frei suggested that perhaps the Republicans can move to censor this madman and begin the process of removing Jamie Raskin from Congress given his toxicity and his commitment to using

fascistic means to preventing his political winning opponents from taking office. Make no mistake Jamie Raskin is a existential threat to our democracy and this man is committed to increasing fascism in this country

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