Benny Johnson trolls Tim Walz to the point of tears making fun of his dog

 Ed or Al Anger

    The dog shit story of weird Minnesota scumbag Governor Tim Walz continues the horrendous pick by Kamala Harris to be her running mate is this Fathead 60-year-old dipshit, who likely was the most hated teacher for two decades at the high school he taught. The fact that we have a public high school teacher who is so close to the White House should put a chill in the spine of the nation as a teacher's unions have been the most failed organization and rambunctious far-left voting black for the Democratic fascist party. Tim Waltz is a weirdo who plays with dogs and dog parks that are not his own and this silly goofy fuck it's been the talk of the right-wing conservative town since his pick despite being he failed

governor and now Vice President for pick for Kamala Harris in this election. Tim Walz is angered and triggered that people have been making fun of him picking up other people's dog shits and taking it home and many have pondered and wondered what Tim Walz is doing taking so much dog shit home somebody wonder if Tim Waltz has some sort of brownie or cookie recipe that requires dog shit or if he likes it thrown in with his soup. Whatever the case, Tim Walz that has surrounded him hangs around

animals too much and whether it be horses or dogs this guy just seems to be in the face of these creatures inhaling their own unique viruses and creating a mosh pit of fecal matter into his brain. Tim Walz is one of the stupidest individuals and with this in mind Benny Johnson did another troll video of the trigger Tim Waltz and the that has surrounded him from early in this campaign. It appears Tim Walz like doesn't know who his dog is and he is of the opinion as a socialist and all dogs are his so when he takes his personal pets to the local pet park. 


The wasteful government spending for that travesty he loves to pet and have his pictures taken where people get confused who the fuck this weirdo's dog is and why does he keep fondling other dogs. Benny Johnson is wondering who is running this country right now and the Democrats pick and this dog brain Tim Waltz as an open an ally of the Chinese CCP plant being so close to the

White House. This should  be alarming and raise alarm as Tim Walz doesn't know his own head from his own ass and naturally this man will be confused who his actual dog Scout is. The fact that we have such a

blockhead weird vice president nominee makes one must wonder the horrors that Tim Walz's his real dog Scout must have to endure having to be under the ownership of this maniac and we will soon put out a free Scout posting within a day or two to help call the attention of pet abuse and pet enslavement in this country. We Run The Anti-Pet Association and lunatics like Tim are dick heads who loves dog dicks and he has a fondness of collecting dog shit and indeed all this weird behavior this guy does wrong with dogs and horses should be alarming to both man and dog Betty Johnson also love to replay himself watching other videos of him watching himself up review other videos of him watching himself and other videos of him etc etc where is this

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