Stanley Randall hired at Left shark and Bad King blog for 100,000 dollars a year

 Dick may

    For the moderate income of $100,000 we are proud to announce that we have hired Stanley Randall for our blog. Mr Randall has been a YouTube presence for the past 5 years and been a hit wherever he is gone and Mr Randall will be another edition for our great and growing team --often having to replace individuals who have passed on and had tragedies occur. Stanley Randall is an up-and-coming vlogger who Vlogs about society and culture and he will be a new welcome addition to our often tragic 100 man writing team that we are constantly on the look for new talent. We here at the king fuck blog constantly we're having tragedy and death upon our writers and new contributors are welcome to contact this blog with a picture by a computer which we may use for future writers. 

    Whatever the future holds for Mr Randall we look forward to his contributions and the sad fact that it curse has been upon Our blog and writing team knowing full well that the past three years have seen tragedy after tragedy and death upon death  our past writers. We hope that Stanley Randall is able to avoid this death trap and curse that it seems to be a kiss of death joining The King and I blog

 Stanley Randall is a stud and a half who is a player and likes to pretend to these women on Tinder he's going to come over and plow them over and over again from behind. Mr. Randall puts out his pictures and cannot believe how many women contact him any often makes mentions of this through his various articles we highly look forward to Mr. Randall joining this greeting incredible writing team and helping to grow for once instead of dying off.

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