James Earl Jones is dead and he should of been allowed to play Darth Vader

 Albert Rooney

    Today we have the same news to report that the voice of Darth Vader James Earl Jones Is Dead. James Earl Jones also was a voice of Roots or whatever and the perpetual voice actor was a staple of Star Wars Fame. One has to wonder though if whether racism  back in 1977 prevented James Earl Jones just having the Darth Vader role with his face and why did the I never understood why Darth Vader even had to have some weird mask an odd voice. James Earl Jones was an actor in unbelievable fucking voice upon the scene. The incredible voice that he was able to perform put others to shame. James Earl Jones I thought was already dead and the news the other day that he had died at the age of 93 or 94 or was it 95 made many people surprised that James Earl Jones was

indeed had been still alive. Jones is deader than a door nail and he will not be doing anymore voice overs commercials and etc etc and few will miss James earl ray and his MegaMania, narcissism, and voice. 

     Mr Jones is best in likely only known by many people through his voice at Darth Vader and again we ponder and wonder why James Earl Jones just didn't have the role with his old face. James Earl Jones would have been the perfect Darth Vader and somehow George Lucas and Star Wars

decided that his voice was good enough but his fuck face wasn't. James Earl Jones is dead or in his voice is silent no one will hear and indeed actors with their famous voices could still be used to this day thanks artificial intelligence.  however artificial intelligence can also be the end of actors like James Earl Jones as it can produce the most incredible sounding human voices known to Earth and Mars in a sense artificial intelligence has put actors voice actors like James Earl Jones into permeant retirement. Indeed, no James Earl Jones coming out now would not be able to be better than a computer and would be replaced. his career would not exist in

modern times.  James Earls Jones is now officially dead and within a week no one will remember this guy is only famous because of Star Wars and without Star Wars people would not know nor care who James Jones Earl is. James Jones Earl was a voice without a face and for many people his voice and name will only be associated with Star Trek. We ponder to wonder if artificial intelligence has made people like James Earl Jones useless irrelevant for today movies and big screen. James Earl Jones is dead at the age of 93

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