Disgusting loser and dipshit Adam Kingman comes to Jimmy Kimmel's scumbag show and grifts for the Democrat Party

       Andy Cruz

     The failed four-term pretend Republican from the state of Illinois who was forced out of his congressional district for his Trump Derange Disease. Adam Kingman still is beloved by the left-wing media and Kingman came to Jimmy Kimmel's program basically once again to troll Republicans and to attack the supporters of Donald Trump with his lies and bogus misinformation. Mr Kingman met another scumbag and Jimmy Kimmel and quite literally this was the meeting of the scumbags as the former US congressman who will never hold any major political office again. Adam Kinzinger appeared and had a 7-minute interview with Jimmy

Kimmel. Why exactly Jimmy Kimmel as a celebrity late night television show continues to hack and skull fuckery the American people with his disgusting videos and propaganda is not known. Thankfully what is known what is thankfully is Jimmy Kimmel on is on his way out and clearly interviews with Adam King are a clear example of why Jimmy Kimmel has lost all credibility and is hated by so many. 

      Adam Troll came to Jimmy Kimmel's show to once again bash Donald Trump as this grifter and perpetual horseshoe and shit artist Adam Kinzinger just keeps getting promoted and these media appearances and being paid Adam Kingman once again went with the Trump body odor complaints shown his sophmoric political radical smear tactics and most likely what smells bad is Adam Kingman being promoted by ABC Disney, MSNBC, and CNN to come and promote nonsense and garbage talk as he did with Jimmy Kimmel. I would not be surprised if Jimmy Kimmel talking to Adam Kingburger was talking to his eventual replacement and Adam Scum is trying to get the late night slit and Jimmy Kimmel's job from our sources scouting and researching this silly son of a bitch Adam Zinger. The former US Congressman also bashed Donald Trump in his Arlington Cemetery visits once again

propagandizing the same lies that the desperate Democrats continue to prop up about him using this event to stage a political moment. Adam Troll is a horrible and stupid individual who the people in this District realize was not a Republican and basically was such a narcissist and a neoclassical self-centered egomaniac that he knew his time was up and he was going to lose and thankfully the Democrats read through and got  this soft pencil-dicked jackass Adam Kingman out his district out of his district as someone who served and fought in the first Iraq war the idea that this man was a officer in the US Military and has no shame to being a

treasonous undemocratic fascist is shocking and appalling and Adam Singer is a radical who should be investigated and arrested for the lies he is continued to spread in the political world through the media the meeting of these scumbags was a boring interview as Adam Kinzinger is a very dull and stupid individual who offers nothing except hate and direct attacks against Donald Trump. Adam Soft often is presented as a Republican which few would actually agree and describe this troll and Kingman is a Democrat and

has always been one and as a plant within the Republican party this man pretended to be a Republican only to turn against their policies in refusing to unite behind the presidential candidate and being used as a poem by the media Adam Kingman lied out of his ass saying that there are many

Republicans like him who agree but want to remain anonymous and this likely is bullshit and half of the things that comes out of the filthiest and stupid mouth of Adam King likely have no grain of truth. Thank God this stupid idiot and embarrassing fool from the Land of Lincoln is no longer in our political world, yet somehow the mainstream corporate corrupt media thinks that Adam Zinger is still an important person in the world of politics and puts this creep on so fucking much.

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