Piers Morgan and Vinny Scorpio of Valuetainment gut check morbidly obese and disgusting Cenk Ogre of the Young Turks

       Zobo the clown

     The ogre of The Young Turks is run by this morbidly obese former football player who played for Adams College shank auger is a morbidly obese shell of his former self when he was in all star collegiate defensive end  and know as the ogre wearing number 45 for the Adams Atoms and he is regressed into being this extreme propaganda from hell and turkey. Cenk Uygur run something called The Young Turks which is named after a radical Islamist organization that committed ethnic genocide against various non-Islamic Middle Easterner groups in Turkey over 100 years ago is a morbidly obese, disgusting, failed congressional candidates and total propagandists. For some reason the British talk show host Piers Morgan has this fat mother fucker on the show a lot. Pierce Morgan had this fat head Cenk Uygur appeared on a panel that included our favorite Vinny Scorpio from Valuetainment and once again Mr Scorpio along with Piers Morgan checked and stopped the verbal abuse, smearing, and lies coming from this geek Cenk Ogre on the panel. Pierson Morgan called out Cenk Krueger's grifting and attacks against Donald Trump as basically all this psychopath Cenk does and wants to hear attacks on Donald Trump and whenever he's on a panel where people support and defend President Trump. Jane Uygur is a psychotic and the crazy brain cells of this fat 350 lb Turkish born monster comes out in these debates. Make no mistake Jenk Cougar and his

network are funded by The Mad dictator Recep Erdogan Tayipp and essentially Uygur is a puppet for this mad dictator often reading lines and attacking the Republicans in pure Turkish propaganda.

     The dopehead and drunk ogre good old number 45 is able to provide the amount of gas lighting and stupid comments  but this time Drunk Uygur was unable to deliver without opposition his smears resisted by both Pierce Morgan and Vinny's Scorpio as the Valuepayment panel members says that he respects Jake Ogre. How anyone can

respect this morbidly obese and stupid Cenk respect this disgusting propagandist and liar is utterly amazing and perhaps Vinny should not respect such a pawn scum lunatic that is Cenk Uygur.  The ogre accused Donald Trump of being a lunatic numerous times on this panel

and essentially this is all that Cenk Koager has to go with and is able to deliver whenever the topic of the presidential election is coming up. Uygur offers absolutely nothing and why Piercen Morgan continues to have this fat fucker on his panels all the time had loose control and raise his voice and yell and scream is utterly amazing and deplorable. I have contacted Mr Morgan numerous times to spare us this fat, disgusting, morbidly obese host of The Young Turks. Jank Uygur has enough air time and propaganda

that he's able to deliver on the horrible airwaves of his Young Turks Network.  Why Pierce Morgan feels he needs to fill his air time with this same propaganda is utterly disgraceful is an ogre good old number 44 who unfortunately didn't break his jaw and lose his voice in his college football days. This would of been great and this would be very nice if it had happened to this clown and we could be spared the lunatic derange ranting of this Turkish Nationalist and Islamist scumbag host and founder of The Young Turks Network

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