Khalid Attaf fucks aroiund as thug enters store with no shirt offers him a pink lighter

 Phillip Epps

    Khalid Attaf continues to fuck around and find out in his ghetto gas station on the South side of Chicago the Arab Yemenese individual loves to fuck around with the ghetto rats that come into his family's gas station and in a recent video of his he showed this dude that came in with no shirts and nipples all out in about. Khalid atop was on top if it so aroused that he asked this individual from the safety behind his heavy glass security panel in his parents gas station whether he could touch his nipples and play with them and had he ever been

complimented on them before. The number of times Khalid Attaf bothers his customers  continues to fuck around with the ghetto residents who partake in his business is both shocking and appalling and it's amazing that this guy has not had the beat down on him Khalid Automan is getting more cocky and actually now doing videos outside his store at the gas pump which I thought I never see this guy do and leave the safety of his cashier bulletproof glass enclosure. Attaf's YouTube channel and his videos may or may not be real and some have suggested that

this man basically has friends or locals in the neighborhood do these videos with him teasing and playing with the local residents and he pays them a little jingle. Few believe this man would be so brazen to mock and fuck with strangers in all likely what is a dangerous neighborhood. 

    Whether Khalid Attaf pays individuals in the videos where he fucks around with these customers is not known, but it is highly suspected as in no way with this guy actually mess around with dangerous people and strangers he does not know. Khalid Attaf is indeed one of the fastest growing YouTube channels and he is on Tik Tok as well with his prank channels fucking around with the black clientele ghetto customers who come into his shit hole gas station and buy rolls and blunts. Khalid Attaf likes to fuck around by giving men pink lighters and they often

get mad and pound the glass wanted to get in and tear his ass apart because of the color of the lighter. There might be nothing weirder than Khalid Attaf and his videos and they are very addictive to an impossible to screen over and ignore and he is doing something right with the entertaining and unique style YouTube perspective video that he does. Whether these pranks are real or not remains to be answered though

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