Far left Democrat Party media and Mary Merrick Garland put out the hits and word to go after Tim Pool, Benny Johnson, Dave Rubin, and others

    Troy York

     Your boy Benny is under attack the popular right-wing YouTuber was named one of many other influencers who the Democrat Party media and their justice system are going after for providing Russian propaganda Merrick Garland is a fascist who's real attempt in this latest indictments against right-wing social media influencers is to silence those who would dare criticize the left wing and Democrat Party Benny Johnson has been hitting hard videos against the far left in the Democratic party and likely this is angered this little worm and fascist Merrick Garland. In addition, Tim Pool has often gotten under the nerve of many Democratic officials as Mr Pool has been predicting a Civil War in the United States for the past 15 years. He is on the list of providing Russian propaganda along with the homosexual

podcaster David Rubin who used to be a Democrat, but transition into a Republican these three with some other minor podcasts now see their very existence on YouTube and on the internet threatened as Merrick Garland and the Democrat Party is once again making a bullshit stories about Russian influence in our elections. The real influence and interference from our elections comes from the evil drug gangs hateful states south of our border in Mexico.

     Mexicans have interfered in our elections a hundred times more than any Russian and collusion with Mother Russia and the idea that Merrick Garland would not include any Mexicans in election interference along with Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and China is utterly skull fuckery and mind-boggling. Russia does not do a fraction of the election interference that these countries and including many of our allies whether they be the revived French Empire of the Emmanuel Marcone or the Londonstan

transitioned Great Britain as these two countries as well interfere with our elections. Our neighbors to the north Canada spend a lot of money on our elections and provide a primarily to liberal causes in Kalifornia and New York in particular  as there are so many countries that provide election interference it cannot be pointed it's not just one in Russia. No mention of the extreme Chinese interference exits within the Democratic Party as quit literally they have a actual Chinaman CCP Ted Lieu in congress.  

      Tim Pool,  Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson are now feeling hate and heat from the Democrat Party media making mention of their names and how they need to be taken off now for their involvement with a Russian company intended to spread news to the American public about the upcoming election. Much of this news is not even untrue with the Democratic Party media doesn't say as the Russians owning this

media bring up legitimate political and election topics that do make the Democratic party look good and I reckon this is why justice head jackass Mary garland is putting up these charges against people forming a media company with Russian money. I reckon this is why Mary Garland is a one-party status and a

fascist seeks to get rid of these websites and YouTube influencers who provide so much aid for Russia and their attack against the psychotic American deep states war mongering establishment best represented by the Dick Cheney and his ugly dog-face gremlin daughter Liz Cheney.  Other state members of The Establishment include ugly old James Clybourne congressman from South Carolina and ugly Susan Rice along with a George Bush family and the Clinton family. These fuckers  use their political influence in other nations to fund and interfere with our elections yeah when Russia does the same thing the media flips out on Russia ignoring the other abuses they have ties to the Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George Bush dynasties. Your boy Benny will not be deterred he will continue to make great
The disgusting troll and CCP US Kalifornia congressman Ted Lieu

videos along with Dave Rubin and Tim Pool and despite the best efforts to smear and attack these influential great men the Democrat Party will fail if they think they're going to cancel and get rid of these this three-headed monster that they are so fearful and angered in blaming the Russians for the success of their ranting and raging social media successes online. Merrick Garland is upset that their ranting and raging is always directed at the Democrat Party and he and the other fascists within the justice system are seeking to do something about this and only this explains why they are going with the old fake Russian story in order to silence huge right-wing critics of the establishment like Benny Johnson ,Tim Pool, and of course Dave Rubin

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