Matt Walsh humiliated Charles Schumer and was kicked out of the Democratic Convention as his upcoming am I a racist movie hits the Airways

 Andrew Clayton

   The great Daily Wire host Matt Walsh utterly humiliated Democrats by infiltrating their hate convention a couple weeks ago in Chicago. Matt Walsh wearing a Red Kamala Harris hat and a disguise with a man with a hair bun went through the Democratic Convention and three or four times he walked by the disgusting, corrupt New York US senator Charles Schumer. King Charles is a walking billboard of why then we need term limits and this disgusting horrendous forever politician was shocked and appalled as Matt Walsh walked around him and made funny faces. Matt Walsh was eventually discovered under his disguise of a man bun and was ordered out of the Democratic

convention which he did unopposed, however Matt Walsh was able to use this video and others he did prior to being kick out of the Democratic convention to pretty much promote his upcoming book and Movie "Am I A Racist. 

     Walsh will be on the big screen in thousands of theaters in this upcoming week with a movie where he mocks the Dei left-wing lunatics and their commitments to racial division and racial fear of hungry Matt Walsh will pretty much expose the political left and how they play racial divisions and prey on the black people in this country demanding that they vote and pray a certain way  through politics in the religion cult of the Democrat Party. Whether many blacks will wake up and get away from this cult is not known, but Matt Walsh will take on the DEI radicals and his upcoming movie and clearly his undercover and the disguise man bun look alike character will be a part of this movie. Matt Walsh is one of the most

entertaining and thought-provoking right-wing influencers and this man is deserving of a hit movie and his ability to troll and anger the far left in this country is always deserving of celebration and praise. As far as Charles Schumer goes, the man is a complete fraud and a lunatic one of the stupidest Democrats out there. 

    This man went is once again a walking billboard for the need for term limits as this idiots should not be in our political system for as long as he has had the tenure. This maniacs Senate position all these years is disgraceful and why people if they are electing this dumbass continue to vote for such a weak and ugly old clown is beyond comprehension. New Yorks elections must be rigged as I can't see why this silly goose has retained his senate seat with all of the people in New York. Charles Schumer quite literally think that he is a King Charles type character and make no mistake Charles

Schumer thinks of himself as some nobility and Royal. However, Charles Schumer is not royalty and he is just a scumbag politician and a rat bastard Democrat as Sean Thompson of WIND radio would say this man is nothing without the world of corrupt and rigged elections. Charles Schumer has added nothing to this country and is deserving of no respect courtesy or praise for anything he has done in our political system Charles Schumer can go to hell and hopefully this will be very soon.

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