What the hell is Carol putting goo on her face for on Tik Tok

 Runs Like Cougar

    Tik Tok has become a mosh pit of young women grifting and pushing face and fuck cream. The number of Tik Tok videos that I have to put up with in my feeds to watch my regulars is utterly amazing and disgusting as every other video is a fucking ad for face cream put out by these young women... many of them are South Korean descent. Many are pushing so called South Korean skincare product which is fuck face cream

that does little to bring the youth that this silly scum adds flame their female audience.  One of the biggest scams is face cream and women seem to be addicted to it and likely be vast amount of advertising on social media and Tik Tok for essentially a product that does little for the face there are so many ads for this grift and Carol is another one. Carol is some Tik Tocker who every videos her promoting consumerism and indeed it is female influencers like this goofy Carol that promote consumerism  and they put South Korea, Western Nations, and United States in so much consumer debt. 

       Women cannot stop purchasing products when they see ads that that Carol puts out in did the ad of Carol putting out some goo from a syringe was utterly stupid. The product that Carol and other women put out are no different and do nothing more than these women having a boyfriend cum on their fucking face and essentially face cum and face cream does the same thing and that is fucking nada for a woman's youth, beauty, and future horizon. The absurdity of these

Tik Tok ads like Carol showing some cum-like goo cream that she sprays from syringe on her face and making claims that it makes her healthier and younger should be outlawed and more regulation of the type of ads for fuck face cream needs to be initiated. women are spending too much money and most often the case they are wasting money at stupid products like fuck cream and it's

utterly shocking and appalling how many ads Tick Tock is now inundated with. this shit and women like Carol telling other women that they need to buy a product that does no difference than having their husband or man shooku on their face during sexual activity.

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