Fred Beyer tries to rush and interrupt a Trump rally

Brian Brain

     Crazy Fred Beyer was at a trump rally in Arizona not too long ago trying to get clout and making videos for his YouTube channel. Fred Breyer trolled Trump supporters as he was walking by saying that he was going to vote for Kamala Harris and Beyrer just loves to piss people off in all his YouTube channels. Fred Beyer planned and got inside the Trump rally in Arizona not too long ago and he attempted assassination and he wanted to rush the stage while Donald Trump was speaking. This is yet another case of a crazed YouTuber trying to get more attention from themselves and time with online news bits, but this Barney Rubble looking brain-damaged YouTube pranker

Fred Beyer was shocked and appalled by the number of security that was evident at this Trump rally and they held him down and prevented Mr Breyer from having his Trump moment. Whether brainless Fred Beyer will face charges is not known as he was trespassed from this Phoenix stadium and he is never allowed to come into interrupt a possible rally again. There is little chances of Fred Breyer and their ability to actually prevent people from certain stadiums events remains questionable. 

     What is answerable is Fred Beyer is bat-shit crazy and insane in the membrane through all his YouTube channels and the idea that after Trump's assassination someone would dare to make a run and try to interrupt Donald Trump while he's having a rally is absolutely nuts. Brain-dead Fred Meyer is indeed one of the craziest

YouTubers out there then this man needs a white jacket and a room with padded walls and unfortunately, the Republicans have cut so much spending through the years there's few actual mental hospitals like there were

back in the day keeping people locked up and their arms tied up while their brain reheels.  Fred Briar clearly needs a padded room and a white jacket and perhaps after a couple of months he can get his head cleared up and realize that doing stupid things on YouTube just is not kosher and he needs to seriously quit acting like a juvenile Barney Rubble and grow up

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