Four people slain in a Chicago CTA train more evidence that crazed Professor Dr Richard Wolff and his public transportation demands are nuts

     Bradly Austin

    Through the internet a psychotic Professor at the New School of Fashion in New York named Dr Richard Wolff is a huge advocate for public transportation. This craze communist professor has been propagandizing online for 10 to 15 years and a favorite topic and a guest for many left-wing radical shows and podcasters. One of Dr Richard Wolf's favorite lines that is we need to get rid of automobiles and increase public transportation much like New York and Chicago's have for all parts of the

country. Dr Richard Wolff wants 100% increase of public transportation and trains which is just crazy given the amount of violence that we see that goes on public transportation. If anything, we should encourage safety and people riding independently in automobiles and not public transportation where you're stuck in a car with psychopaths and dangerous homeless. 

    Dr Richard Wolff naturally wants people to be harmed because he is a left-wing communist psychopath and his devotion to public transportation continues to be

questioned. Further questions will occur now after a brutal crime in Forest Park just outside of Chicago four people were shot and killed randomly at 5:30 in the morning the other day as a CTA was starting up and this shocking and appalling murder has been pretty much ignored and not covered by the mainstream media by the national mainstream media no news name or identification of the suspect has been given nor have victims been identified in almost 24 hours now since the crime has taken place. This crime is further evidence why we need to get rid of public transportation and unlike this crazed socialist professor Wolf does not increase it public transportation is a scourge and a disease totally dangerous, and people put themselves in serious danger whenever they use Chicago CTA or New York Subway system. 

     Dr Richard Wolff is a psychotic craze professor of Economics at the new school of Fascism in New York and this man should be fired for the amount of time and devotion he has to advocate for less policing and increase public transportation crime and demand more public transportation which is utterly insane. Dr Richard Wolff can go to hell and naturally he will never talk about crime such as what happened in Chicago with four people being brutally gunned down for no reason and egregious crime that sooner or later will indeed get the national attention thanks to the internet. Professor Wolff is a quack jack who ignores the massive wasteful spending on public transportation and how they are  a magnet for crime and help spread crime throughout the city and according to Metal Leo and other experts in San Francisco's major decline the BART public Transporation system has served for declining the city and increasing the ability of criminals and thugs to move about the city easily and committing crime and escape opportunities to multiple. Naturally this demonic and evil DR Wolff knows this and I reckon this is why this rat bastard support wants more public transportation.

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