Tick Tock starts filling up with negative videos on Illinois gangster and criminal Governor JB Pritzker and how he's a billionaire

    Jerry O'Leary

      The Tick Tock site Viral News watch and other sites are shedding light on the billionaire status of fat disgusting 1930s era gangster Al Capone type governor of Illinois JB Pritzker quite literally is a modern day gangster of the likes of Al Capone. The Hyatt Hotel Heiress and how he made his billions in Tech and his hotel scam over pricing business is being a slowly exposed. Several Tik Yok videos I have seen since this disgusting pig's speech at the Democratic Convention where he blasted billionaire Donald Trump and said that JB Pritzker says that he's the right type of billionaire. The fact is JB Pritzker has made his billions through political inside dealing and corruption long before he became governor and in 2018 this morbidly obese and disgusting character decided to cut out the middleman and just take over the government himself. 

     JB Pritzker is a undeserving billionaire who is use government and his family's fortune to  bring about more illegitimate wealth to himself. The ability to avoid taxes also is a Pritzker family charm and this fat and morbidly disgusting corrupt Governor is just the longest and latest line of rat bastard Democrats in Illinois who are corrupt and have rigged elections to the point where

there is no democracy anymore. JB Pritzker represents an existential threat to our political and constitutional rights and this fat morbidly obese class of covid 2020 authoritarian jackass is also a clinical psychopath and the neoclassical narcissist. It is great to see Tik Tok slowly expose this billionaire and how he is used government and purchase politicians to the point he increased dramatically his wealth through the corruption behind Democratic cities and states and the use of tech scam money global hedge funds to support and prompt them up give them more political power and

influence. JB Pritzker is a disgusting 380 lb Pig of a governor a total Boss Hogg type of individual who thankfully term limits will limit this man's exposure to our political system unless fatty decides to run for the US Senate one day. JB Pritzker is one heart attack away from dropping dead and the

chances that this man will even serve one US Senate race as a US Center if the rumors are true that he is going to go into the Senate Run for the Senate the chances of him living for a 6 years is not high JB Pritzker looks like Babe Ruth acts like Al Capone and quite literally will die young like both of these men and it cannot happen soon enough is this fat rat bastard son of a bitch is one of the biggest corrupt individuals we've ever seen in this country

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