US Marines attacked by mob of Turkish nationalist in the town of Izmer and fight back

        Alexi Mousolopolous

     A mob of Turkish nationalists have gone and attacked a couple Marines off the portcity of Izmer the other day. The US Marines were out enjoying some R&R after working some exercises with the Turkish military and a joint exercise with the US-turkey military lines and maneuvers. It appears that right-wing Turkish nationalists have a problem with the United States and Turkey and the Deep State relationship establishment that has been created twice one in 1808 and then one in 1921. The fracturing of the Deep State Republic and Alliance between Turkey or the Ottoman Turks and the United States seems to be fracturing because of these radical racist Turkish nationalists. Recep Tayipp Erdogan  has done little to

combat these extremists who have been seen chanting in the streets for Yankee to go home. Whether these Turks are Young Turks or Boston Red Sox fans is not known but what is known is telling Yankee to go home is clearly a thing and a historical comment against US military presence. 

    The two US Marines were being beaten  were soon rescued by several Turkish police and other US Marines as a big brawl erupted and 15 of these scumbag Turkish Islamists and nationalists were arrested for this unprovoked and nationalistic brutal attack against members of our US military. What these

Turkish nationalists like it or not the United States and Turkey has a de facto Alliance and a deep state secret government, flag, and a whole secret society and no amount of neo-Ottomans and Turkish nationalists are going to change this fact. Kudos to the brave US Marines who did not expect to fight from an ally while on leave enjoying the sights and sounds of a beautiful country that once belonged to the Greeks, and hopefully one day again will is mare was ethnically cleansed of Greeks about a hundred years ago following the Greco Turkish War 1921. 
Donald Trump and Recep Tayipp Erdogan and the Deep State flag

   Essentially these Turk nationalists are on stolen land from Greek people and one day they may be exiled from this land if they're not careful, meanwhile Turkish radical Recep Tayipp Erdogan continues a path of fracturing this deep State Republic as we call it and the Turkish American flag of unity and secret government it was on full display with Donald Trump and race the table bragging about the alliances of the United States with the element Turks in 1808 in 1921 that set up the secret government twice the Turks are going to have to clamp down on these racist Turkish nationalists who not only are getting angered against American Presidents, but still have historical hatred and feelings against those of Kurdish, Greek, Assyrian, Armenian , Azerbaijani and other ethnic groups that are not of Turk origin and these Turkish nationalists are going to have to learn and accept diversity

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