Black Supremacist fragile Marquis Vanzego triggered planning a lawsuit at Chick-fil-A because they mispronounced and misspelled his name

 Gino Frobel

   Black Supremacy is on the march in any little infraction the fragile black people in this country are looking to make an extra buck and a lawsuit. With this in mind in Charleston, South Carolina a fragile black supremacist named Marquis Vanzego is very triggered and upset having gone to the media and demanding answers. Marquis Fandango ordered a Chick-fil-A chicken sandwich with spicy sauce and some French fries and he received the order with the name "monkeys" on the order naturally this angered this likely leftist and easily triggered black man. I guess he went to the media and complained feeling offended and privileged to make a video. The lunatic's video went online and basically, he went

hunting for the individual who wrote monkeys not getting much answer from the Chick-fil-A staff. This Racist then went to the media and cried and  demanded that the racist media find this teenager and doxx him as this piece of shit Mr Vanzego wants the kid publicly humiliated and fired on live television. Needless to say when this minor was not fired for his Misspelling or thinking the man wanted the name

monkeys (that likely the computer spell corrector changed) this fragile black man went to the media and started threatening lawsuits and answers. Needless to say many black conservatives including The Hodge twins and Gregory Foreman of The Black conservative along with many other people have ridiculed and mocked this black supremacist looking for an easy money lawsuit. Marquis Vandego is a

triggered and disgruntled black man always seeing the racist boogeyman around the corner and The Hodge Twins laughed and told the son of a bitch that he got a free sandwich and what else does he want. The Hodge Twins also suggested that most likely the individual who did this was likely black like this light skin black individual named Marquis Vanzego according to our sources the minor who was not fired likely

is an Indian or Bengali worker who is from a country where monkeys are running all over the streets and our beloved as creatures and practically like wild pets. This kid in from Bengalistan and was not fired much to the dismay of this racist black man who went to the media looking for attention as usual with the numerous racehorses hustlers of race that this country has seen in the past two decades. Gregory Foreman said that this likely is another race hoax from a triggered and embarrassing low-class black man always looking for an excuse to blame racism and call out racism. The disgusting truth is Gregory form is 100% correct there

are black races out there who in order to feel better need to accuse others of racism and call out where it doesn't exist and in no way would a Chick-fil-A employee purposely write monkeys and lose a good and a rare high paying fast-food job. Perhaps in Marquis Fandango's world this exists but this psychopath is either a race hustler or a race grifter looking to get a lawyer and a huge settlement and this is a problem with this country .We have too many blacks always looking for something free and excuse to sue whenever they fit they feel disrespected. Marquis Vanzego is a disgrace and another race hustler looking to make

lawsuit money so he can go to casinos and spend and clearly the racial identity madness of the Democratic Party explains why so many paranoid schizophrenic blacks feel like the racist boogeyman's always after them such as this case at Chick-fil-A . This madman black man is so triggered he is

determined to get this teenager fired for making the mistake ignoring the fact that many people give nicknames and don't even give their real name in drive-thrus.  As Gregory Foreman stated that they use so many odd and funny names the workers usually just go with it. Needless to say this clown and racist Marquis Vanzego is a race hustler looking to make a quick buck from a lawsuit and I'm surprised he's not already hired Benjamin Crump to try to extort Chick-fil-A for millions and millions of dollars.

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