Jack White threatens to sue Trump for playing music gets triggered and cries

 Leroy Yates

     Triggered Snowflake and disgusting radical leftist lead singer of The Seven Nation Army rock group Jack White was on full cry baby mold. The singer of "The White Stripes" is very upset and threatened Donald Trump with both legal and physical action if he ever saw him. Jack White is very upset because Donald Trump or his political team keeps using the "Seven Nation Army" song at the rallys and this has this lettuce head and woke Jack White very upset. Jack White of the White Stripes is a woke left-wing lunatic who called Trump and his team as fascist while ignoring that for the past three years we had a

senile old fascist in his early ninties who actually a fascist is and done fascistic policies and orders. Natrually jackass White has no problem with the evil and disaster that Joe Biden has initiated because a fascist like Black Jack White has economically thrived as the Democratic party pays their political surrogates very well. Jack white is a rabid wild dog lunatic who is very angry at Donald Trump's popularity and success and now he's looking to make a few bucks

angered at Donald Trump and wants to sue him. Donald Trump should just continue to play the music he wants regardless of what these left-wing musicians desire and demand. Jack White is a jackass and a half, who is yet another member of the music mafia who ascended to his position because of his far left woke progressive beliefs and policies.

This silly jackass should be paying Donald Trump for playing his crappy music at these rallies to say that Jack White is a radical left-wing lunatic would be an understatement and indeed this cry baby progressive Tommy Gunn big mouth Mr White is so sad so mad that Donald Trump is playing his music. Jack White it's just another leftist in the entertainment industry triggered and heavily suffering from

Trump's disarranged brain syndrome disease which is something the elite Democrat insiders and silly scum like Jack White either are ordered to attack Donald Trump or do so on their own deranged worm brains and spinal cords disability. Jack White is a pussy and a 2-in dick stroker who just needs to accept the Donald Trump is going to campaign and use the music that he needs and decide and thinks it's necessary for a success of his campaign and rally. Jack White can go fuck a pineapple

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