JD Vance is dead on cat ladies are indeed voting against the best interests of his country and our nuts

 Sammy Hamcheck 

   We here at the anti-Pet Association continue to fight the scourge of pet ownership and for too long we have noticed that there is a big discrepancy of the gender of people who own pets. Well over 60% of pet owners are women and recently vice president nominee of the Republican Party JD Vance got into trouble as old video surface of him calling cat ladies and women without children having too much influence and hurting this country and our culture. Mr Vance is 100% correct as cat lady and pet- obsessed women who do not have kids usually support the Democrats and there is a reason for this. The

cat ladies are lunatics who have never been able to mentally establish relationships with men and have children. So instead, they spend so much time and devotion towards their pets usually cats and dogs the cat ladies are ruining this country, and their voting methods are reprehensible voting for some of the most disgusting individuals within the Democratic fascist party members. we here at the Anti-Pet Association decry pet ownership and we would put an end to the cat ladies as all pet ownership needs to be abolished and outlawed and you can help us make this transition by donating to our

charity group.  Many of these cat ladies only care for their pets and a right to abort babies and one can clearly see on Tick Tock social media the number of cat ladies who dedicate their lives not to their children, but alarming they show more love to their pets care more for animals than their fellow human beings. These women set up cameras and have their cats and dogs at the centerpiece of their lives such as the Tik Tok channel for Zoey the cat. This is a

peculiar cat who often rocks a bowl and the woman making these videos does not appear to have a husband nor is a man. In addition there are also no children ever seen in her huge household that by some quarters must be 3,500 to 5,000 ft big. 

    This woman is never with a man and she often has herself in the background with her Golden Retriever and her morbidly obese and disgusting fat cat named Zoey.  Cat Women like this that continue to vote Democrat and vote for some of the worst shit we have in our congressional system, whether it be the senate or the US Congress. Many of these cat ladies votes for real work ideology and agendas as the feminist cause of these women leads them to not only love their pets but love themselves to the point of obsessive compulsiveness why so many people were angered by JD Vance's description of cat ladies can best be explained that he was speaking the truth and unlike most politicians JD Vance is not a conventional one and he is willing to express his opinion and tell the truth to the public. JD Vance's words hurt these cat ladies

because what he said was true and these women do not have a vestive interest of the future of this country with a hope of having kids and grandkids. Instead, these psychotic women prefer to live alone with cats and dogs have short lives of 7 to 14 years and these women find these animals very expendable having many in their lifetime. quite frankly it's sad that these women never get to the enjoy the or want to enjoy the benefits of motherhood and instead just want to look at four-legged creatures all day and talk to them. 

    JD Vance is 100% correct the cat ladies are utterly insane and should not be allowed to vote and somebody suggested that the votes should be restricted to people who have a vested interest in families or serve some good capacity for our society and culture whether it be other than that people who don't have a vested interest should not have a say nor votes and indeed the problem this country and the reason we get such a shit Democrat politicians is because we have extended the vote so much to people who don't deserve it.

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