Hamas Pro terrorist propagandist Scott Horton lies out of his ass and bashes the state of Israel along with various guests propagandists

 Barry Moon

          The flying propagandist and punk editor of anti-war.com and Ray the San Diego radio host WKAL host Scott Horton continues to lie and spread misinformation concerning the Israel war in Gaza. Scott Horton is a antisemite who hates the state of Israel and wishes to see the repeat of a holocaust against a Jewish people and this man clearly has it out and disdain for the Jewish state of Israel. Scott Horton is a punk and a hick who is a podcaster very few people listen to and he does an incredible number of podcasts and programs since the start of the Hamas Israel war and October of last year following the butchery of 1600 Jewish people by the terrorist organization Hamas. Scott Horton has aided in did done his usual problematic propaganda for Islamic terrorists and there is perhaps no mo of a lying jackass for Hamas and Hezbollah than Mr. Horton.

Scott Horton and his various guests including in the past month Conner Freeman, Ramzy Baroud,  David Decamp, and mad Max Blumenthal, and overblown the casualties in Gaza and they keep lying and spreading misinformation that a genocide is taking place and that Israel are bombing schools with filled with children studying science and math. The disgusting ability of propaganda for terrorist

organizations and taking advantage of America's freedom are people like this punk ass bitch Scott Horton. Mr Horton has it all wrong on the war and Israel has a right to fight against those who would commit mass acts of terrorism, and the state of Israel would have done the same thing fighting Nazis had they had a powerful State during World War II and before. 

      What does Punk and the Hick Scott Horton doesn't understand is Israel does not have to continue to take the abuse from it s Palestinian neighbors the vast majority who support terrorism directed against innocent civilians and who have killed Israelis and isolated attacks for some five decades. This hick podcaster Scott Horton ignores the fact that these so-called cemeteries and schools and hospitals that Israel has been bombing are actually being used by the terrorist organization itself and headquarters for personal safety as Hamas are gutless cowards who do not fight in the open and need to hide behind civilians. 

      These evil fucks do this in order to get others to be killed and to be use this propaganda's pieces the civilian casualties are the direct result of Hamas Fighters not the Israel bombs and Hamas can end this war by surrendering and putting down their arms and commitment to terrorism. Naturally the punk and The Hick Horton doesn't say this ss this man is a committed radical antisemite who desperately would love to see Iran and Palestinians overrun the Jewish State and kill each and every Jew the evil that Scott Horton represents in his lying propaganda channel cannot be understated and Horton and his guest's bashing Israel continue to spread the most violent, despicable, slander against Israel and its leader Benjamin Netanyahu. Once again Horton doesn't understand that this war was brought about on October 7th by the most vicious barbaric 18th century type massacre is that

how much did on innocent civilians and very little this punk and hicks got her never mentioned this in his propaganda's podcast Scott Horton is a dipshit and a half he's always been a dipshit and a half and apparently this propaganda against the United States military and Israel is a pro terrorist dipshit and a half who needs to be constantly called out for his obvious  and nefarious propaganda for the most evil Islamic Terror groups in the Middle East

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