Leftist libshits again try to shoot and assassinate Donald Trump

  Carlson Tucker

        Trumps Derange Syndrome is a serious disease and the open and willingness to spread smears and hate against Donald trump have been lead by podcast propagandists and corporate media. Donald Trump was shooting golf at a Arizona golf course that has his name when shots were fired that almost hit him in hos ear and only because he was swinging a club prevented him from being shot. For a second time the smears and slanders by ABC Disney and the cackling hens at the View continue to put our favorite great president and hero Donald trump was almost killed in this breaking news. 

In my opinion a full investigation of the three fat asses from Chris Chrsitie, to JB Pritzker, to Cenk Ogre need to be investigated and these three blimps continue to try to blast trump and their extreme hatred for Mr Trump is seen and heard by the day. These three fat evil forces have been increasing their virotic hate as Cenk Ogre was all over his Young Turks network and Piers Morgan show clearly this lunatic mad man from Turkey and propagandist is losing it and it is not beyond his scope to carry out a hit on Trump thanks to the deep state resources of the broken Turkish American deep state secret republic. 

    The Young Turks founder Cenk is a delusional insane mad man who is a Islamicist and a pro-terrorist and naturally this fat head clown is capable of organizing another assassination attempt against Trump and even if it failed he and his network would get the publicity he seeks as a Pravda style propagandist.  Likewise fat disgusting Jewish mafia political crony capitalist JB Pritzker has been accelerating the hate and Trump returning it in smears and slanders in recent days as Trump called this man is a fatty and from our sources within the JB Pritzker business empire and mafia he is raging in anger and hatred at the personal insults Trump has returned to the fat man's direction.  

     Chris Christie meanwhile had appeared with the cackling hens and monsters at ABC's the View and he came with one of his most despicable hate filled rants against the former president who has prevented the fat ass two rimes in massive defeats in

republican primaries. Chris Christie came on the View to weigh on the debate between kamala and Trump and he stated everything must be done to prevent another Trump administration by any means necessary echoing the violence of Malcolm X many many many moons ago before man landed a fake landing. The far-left maniacs such as these three men who weigh in a combined total over 1000 pounds hate Doanld Trump because they hate the common man and do not like that trump represents them over their foreign, corrupt, and food agendas in their roles in politics and media.

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