Is Merrick Garland a fascist, a queen , or just gay??? He says does nothing of international socialist funding of podcast proaganda programs of Thom Hartmann and Stephanie Miller.

 Brook Tanner

     The disgruntled and angry justice system head and fascist Merrick Garland is angry and wants to push this country to a full fledge fascist movement. Merrick Garland responding to criticism of certain media towards Joe Biden and Kamala Harris by many right-wing influencers who put the orders to Merrick garland to0 go after the owner of this Russian paid media company and the influencers part of this new media. Merrick Gharland is a fascist and is using the justice system to go after his political enemies and for Dave Rubin Lauren Chen, Benny Johnson, and Tim Pool. Garland and the other fascists within the Democrat part

y are determined to silence these individuals and their freedom of speech politically and it doesn't matter if the money contributed to their programs is indeed coming from mother Russia . One must wonder how much left-wing Canadian money Thom Hartmann and his production staff gets from liberals North and South of the America border. Likewise, the unfunny bad comedian and bad partisan talk show host of Stephanie Miller gets many foreign money to the

company that distributed this fuck face far-left radicals talk show host and comedic tour of this nasty women. We need to look at the funding of left-wing media which these two pieces of shit in addition.. in addition mirror Garland thinks and loves power and he thinks of himself as some king-like nobleman and figure. Arrogant and narcissist scumbag Merrick Garland is a homosexual looking Mary and in his own mind a king of this country.

   Merrick Garland naturally is not concerned with internal leftism, Hamism, Communism, Maoism, Socialism and the money that is funneled and allowing these left-wing lunatics such media time and outlet for podcast propaganda. This is because Merrick Garland has weaponized then justice system and Mary is allowing the justice system to be used as a tool for the Democrat party as it slides further and further into fascism. The Democrat party is not your grandfathers Democrat party having been replaced by this weird racial and homo identity harassment agenda and movement and indeed their willingness to weaponize the justice systems and go full

frontal fascism knows no bounds. Make no mistake Merrick Garland is a Mary who likely takes George Soros, Warren Buffet, and Charlie Munger in his arse for the right price.  Garland needs to investigate this real threat to democracy and the funding of internal money and companies that present their soviet style Pravda style attacks against individuals they do not like and represent t their political opponents. The funding of these two pieces of shit lesbian unfunny comedian and dipshit Stephanie Miller and the king fool and old idiot Thom Hartmann radio and media time and who funds their open and massive misinformative outlets and propaganda needs to be made.  Merrick Garland lies out of his queer ass as this silly jackass failed supreme court justice wants

revenge and lies about Russia meddling in our elections as this Mary says nothing about the election interference and funding of foreign influence that comes from Kanada. MexNarcico, Qatar, Arabia, Brussels, Great Britain, Turkey, France, Argentina, Venezuela , Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Benglaistan, China, South and North Korea, Norwegian trust funds, Switzerland hedge banks, Ukraine, Finland, Germany, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil etc etc

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