16 cats disappear in in Bangor neighborhood in Maine and the talk of a cat serial killer or Haitian gang is being made

 Aaron Luther 

Animal Stories

    16 beautiful cats have disappeared in a one small neighborhood in Maine in the city of Bangor and questions are being made what is happening to these cats. Now authorities are looking forward to see if there are any local migrants that might be behind these disappearances and cooked them to completion It was thought that either coyotes or a cat serial killer and

probably future human serial killer was on the loose and animal owners are in a state of panic as the mystery of the disappearance of 16 cats has no clues and many people are now looking at those around them and

whether they are Haitian migrants who have been known to eat people's pets. It is not known how many Haitians are up in this town in Maine, but there must be a few and I think in my opinion the mystery of the 16 missing cats should be

likely tied to some migrant issue up in liberal Maine. In many cases of serial crime there have been past cases of serial killers actually talking to the media and indeed this one individual who talked to media about these cat murders looks like a potential cat and two-legged serial killer and he should be investigated. The news was suppressed by the media until the tenth cat Franke Blue

eyes disappeared and then massive local and state attention started coming towards Bangor , Maine and the attention for all of these cat disappearances finally was garnering the attention it deserves.

       Whatever the reason this is disgusting and as the head of the Anti-Pet Association has long called for cats and dogs to be released to the wild. The dangers that cats put themselves thinking that they're safe in their human habitats when their owner releases them for a few hours could explain often their victimhood to Wildlife. However, Wildlife authorities in Bangladesh say that cat remains would have

been found by now as wild wide searches for these cats have been made extensively in this Bangore neighborhood. If these sixteen cats had died by Coyotes there would be some evidence of it left behind by the coyote. However, there are no remains and this is what is making the mystery more perplexing and aggravating. The Mystery of the dead

cats in Maine are going to grow until something is done and major FBI investigations are done to help find what is causing all these beautiful cats to die or disappear as if there is this cat Bermuda triangle up there in Maine. We here at the Anti-Pet association would rather have these cats not under people's homes and ownership and they should be living a free wild more adaptable to defend themselves from wildlife and migrants

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