Fatman Scoop is dead after collapsing rapping after a night of debauchery and drugs

 Reggie Rapper

    Some early '50s and ugly rapper has died the rap industry is an outlet for Global corruption and money of redistribution towards the blacks and this explains the much financial success of these rappers both male and female many of these rappers the vast majority of people have never heard of yet they somehow wear bling and have millions and millions of dollars one of these was Fat Man Squid who is a repulsive and dumb rapper and few people aside from those most devoted to this Sinister and wicked

music mafia form knew who fat man scream was Batman was performing in Hamdead, Connecticut rap concert that likely done not have more than 300 people when he dropped dead from heart failure. Fat man Scat clearly was an age where he was well past his prime and he should not have been performing under such stressful conditions to have yell and movement on stage. 

Fatman Scoop taking one of his customary shits on stage and😟 then having the dancers scoop it up

    This man pretty much gave himself a death sentence with his determination to stay within the music mafia system as the talent of sampling other peoples works and put it into a different rhythm while blurting out inaudible lyrics is basically the talent this rapper had.  Batman Slim was not as popular as he may think he was yet

somehow millions and millions of money where he had to keep performing for a while well whatever the case is now a fan man scream dropped dead live on stage to a shocked in the 

small audience and he will not be performing anytime in the near future. fat man scoop likely did so many drugs in his life as most rappers do and what Fentanyl and Coke he had done be prior to this concert remains to be seen. Batman Scoop will be rapping in the underground where his lyrics and vulgarity likely will be more allowed and he is now in a resting place where he and his music totally more belong fat man Scoop is dead at the age of 53

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