Cam Kicks kicks out another fraud trying to sell him fake shoes tell him never to come back or he'll call the police

Chet Oliver

      In New York or Boston or some large urban centers there is this individual who goes by the social media name of Cam Kicks . He runs a used sneaker shop where he profusely examines each and every shoe that is brought in for sale and then he determines the price for the sucker selling the shoe. Many of these guys have stories that they have collected these shoes and want to sell them ,but most likely these shoes are hotter than Megan Fox wearing a bikini in California. Cam Kicks though sometimes gets angry with these individuals trying to screw him over and one day a certain individual Mr Kicks recognized from a year ago and

asked the fool if he was indeed the sucker back then who tried to sell him some fake Nikes and Jordans. The guy who was trying to sell three pairs of Nikes tonight it's and Cam Kicks said he had taken his shoes in the back room and really scrutinized and found these shoes to be bullshit fakes even though high quality. 

     What I can't understand is why if a shoe has to be examined as counterfeit and almost passes why would they not be as worse as the garbage that can't kicks Nike and these other ghetto urban people are willing to pay for a bunch of ugly shoes at extreme high prices these are shoes that also are not brand new no direct from the company and if these fakes I can't kicks off and rejects takes much time to inspect and are almost passable they are basically as worth as the real items the absurdity of Camp Kicks and the resale sneaker

industries one of complete fraud an weird urban sensation is these guys make shoes out to be more than they need to be ..especially the ugly sneaker types. Cam kicked this guy's ass and told him to never come back even though the whole basis of his Tik Tok social media site seems to be him thoroughly examining each and every shoe and then many times rejecting the shoe for being fakes or low balls the individual trying to sell the shoe. Camp Kicks is a weird individual whose business plan of selling resale and old sneakers could only occur in a Democratic area of massive economic corruption, swindle, and Ponzi scheming. Cam Kicks is a jackass and a half who looks at shoes all day smells shoes and quite literally one day one can hope that he becomes a shoe himself and  leaves humanity

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